
Column Charts With Event Markers?

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I am looking to see whether it is possible to do a specific thing using Fusion charts. I have been using the pie/column and line charts so I am getting used to them a bit, however I can't find a good way of donng this...


I need to have a column or line graph in place, perhaps both, but in addition to this, i need to be able to place markers on the graph, which can be clickable and allow me to access the event through javascript. These markers will not be associated with the line/column data, but will more than likely apply to the x axis which will be based on a date/time series of data.


Overall, this will let me see how trends occurred and differed, and if there was any change when specific events happened.


One thing i did think of, although it is not ideal, it to just hide the line of a line graph and only show the points it plots?


Any help or ideas on this would be much appreciated...




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Guest Angshu



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


Could you please send us a screenshot or any live link of your requirement?


Awaiting for your response.

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