JHarper Report post Posted December 22, 2011 Hello, I'm having a strange issue with one of the gauges. With one set of values, all of the tick marks display just as expected. With another set of values, on the lower and upper limit displays. This set of values works correctly: $gaugeXML = ""; $gaugeXML .= "<Chart bgColor='FFFFFF' upperLimit='1.6' lowerLimit='0' showLimits='1' baseFontColor='666666' majorTMNumber='8' majorTMColor='666666' majorTMHeight='8' minorTMNumber='5' minorTMColor='666666' minorTMHeight='3' tickValueDistance='15' pivotRadius='20' showGaugeBorder='0' gaugeOuterRadius='90' gaugeInnerRadius='80' gaugeOriginX='125' gaugeOriginY='125' gaugeScaleAngle='320' displayValueDistance='10' placeValuesInside='1' gaugeFillMix='' pivotFillMix='{F0EFEA}, {BEBCB0}' pivotBorderColor='BEBCB0' pivotfillRatio='80,20' showShadow='0' showBorder='0' numberSuffix='TB'>"; $gaugeXML .= "<colorRange>"; $gaugeXML .= "<color minValue='1.52' maxValue='1.6' code='8BBA00' alpha='0'/>"; $gaugeXML .= "<color minValue='1.28' maxValue='1.52' name='Warning' code='F6BD0F' alpha='50'/>"; $gaugeXML .= "<color minValue='0' maxValue='1.28' name='Alert' code='FF0000' alpha='50'/>"; $gaugeXML .= "</colorRange>"; $gaugeXML .= "<dials>"; $gaugeXML .= "<dial value='1.24609382671' bordercolor='FFFFFF' bgColor='bebcb0, f0efea, bebcb0' borderAlpha='0' baseWidth='10' topWidth='3'/>"; $gaugeXML .= "</dials>"; $gaugeXML .= "<annotations>"; $gaugeXML .= "<annotationGroup xPos='125' yPos='125' fillRatio='10,125,254' fillPattern='radial' >"; $gaugeXML .= "<annotation type='circle' xPos='0' yPos='0' radius='110' borderColor= '0066CC' fillAsGradient='1' fillColor='f0efea, bebcb0' fillRatio='85,15'/>"; $gaugeXML .= "<annotation type='circle' xPos='0' yPos='0' radius='100' fillColor='bebcb0, f0efea' fillRatio='85,15' />"; $gaugeXML .= "<annotation type='circle' xPos='0' color='FFFFFF' yPos='0' radius='90' borderColor= 'f0efea' />"; $gaugeXML .= "</annotationGroup>"; $gaugeXML .= "</annotations>"; $gaugeXML .= "</Chart>"; This set of values only renders the lower and upper limits: $gaugeXML = ""; $gaugeXML .= "<Chart bgColor='FFFFFF' upperLimit='3.4' lowerLimit='0' showLimits='1' baseFontColor='666666' majorTMNumber='8' majorTMColor='666666' majorTMHeight='8' minorTMNumber='5' minorTMColor='666666' minorTMHeight='3' tickValueDistance='15' pivotRadius='20' showGaugeBorder='0' gaugeOuterRadius='90' gaugeInnerRadius='80' gaugeOriginX='125' gaugeOriginY='125' gaugeScaleAngle='320' displayValueDistance='10' placeValuesInside='1' gaugeFillMix='' pivotFillMix='{F0EFEA}, {BEBCB0}' pivotBorderColor='BEBCB0' pivotfillRatio='80,20' showShadow='0' showBorder='0' numberSuffix='TB'>"; $gaugeXML .= "<colorRange>"; $gaugeXML .= "<color minValue='3.23' maxValue='3.4' code='8BBA00' alpha='0'/>"; $gaugeXML .= "<color minValue='2.72' maxValue='3.23' name='Warning' code='F6BD0F' alpha='50'/>"; $gaugeXML .= "<color minValue='0' maxValue='2.72' name='Alert' code='FF0000' alpha='50'/>"; $gaugeXML .= "</colorRange>"; $gaugeXML .= "<dials>"; $gaugeXML .= "<dial value='2.7526722238334' bordercolor='FFFFFF' bgColor='bebcb0, f0efea, bebcb0' borderAlpha='0' baseWidth='10' topWidth='3'/>"; $gaugeXML .= "</dials>"; $gaugeXML .= "<annotations>"; $gaugeXML .= "<annotationGroup xPos='125' yPos='125' fillRatio='10,125,254' fillPattern='radial' >"; $gaugeXML .= "<annotation type='circle' xPos='0' yPos='0' radius='110' borderColor= '0066CC' fillAsGradient='1' fillColor='f0efea, bebcb0' fillRatio='85,15'/>"; $gaugeXML .= "<annotation type='circle' xPos='0' yPos='0' radius='100' fillColor='bebcb0, f0efea' fillRatio='85,15' />"; $gaugeXML .= "<annotation type='circle' xPos='0' color='FFFFFF' yPos='0' radius='90' borderColor= 'f0efea' />"; $gaugeXML .= "</annotationGroup>"; $gaugeXML .= "</annotations>"; $gaugeXML .= "</Chart>"; I can't quite figure out why this is happening and would sincerely appreciate any advice! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angshu Report post Posted December 23, 2011 Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Could you please try once by adding adjustTM='0' attribute inside the <chart> element? Ex: $gaugeXML .= "<chart bgColor='FFFFFF' lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='3.4' adjustTM='0' showLimits='1' baseFontColor='666666' majorTMNumber='8' majorTMColor='666666' majorTMHeight='8' minorTMNumber='5' minorTMColor='666666' minorTMHeight='3' tickValueDistance='15' pivotRadius='20' showGaugeBorder='0' gaugeOuterRadius='90' gaugeInnerRadius='80' gaugeOriginX='125' gaugeOriginY='125' gaugeScaleAngle='320' displayValueDistance='10' placeValuesInside='1' gaugeFillMix='' pivotFillMix='{F0EFEA}, {BEBCB0}' pivotBorderColor='BEBCB0' pivotfillRatio='80,20' showShadow='0' showBorder='0' numberSuffix='TB'>"; This attribute adjusts major tick mark number so as to best distribute the specified chart scale. Hope this helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JHarper Report post Posted December 23, 2011 Thank you for your help! That fixed my issue! I really appreciate it! Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Could you please try once by adding adjustTM='0' attribute inside the <chart> element? Ex: $gaugeXML .= "<chart bgColor='FFFFFF' lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='3.4' adjustTM='0' showLimits='1' baseFontColor='666666' majorTMNumber='8' majorTMColor='666666' majorTMHeight='8' minorTMNumber='5' minorTMColor='666666' minorTMHeight='3' tickValueDistance='15' pivotRadius='20' showGaugeBorder='0' gaugeOuterRadius='90' gaugeInnerRadius='80' gaugeOriginX='125' gaugeOriginY='125' gaugeScaleAngle='320' displayValueDistance='10' placeValuesInside='1' gaugeFillMix='' pivotFillMix='{F0EFEA}, {BEBCB0}' pivotBorderColor='BEBCB0' pivotfillRatio='80,20' showShadow='0' showBorder='0' numberSuffix='TB'>"; This attribute adjusts major tick mark number so as to best distribute the specified chart scale. Hope this helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites