
Scale Analysis Based On Time

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Hi Guys,


This is my first post after using Fusion Charts ( though its been only 1 week i've been working on it. I am currently making a line chart which displays a scale of system status. Normally my query dataset consists of too many records separated by seconds (10secs interval) .


I wanted to know if we can make the scale auto adjustable when the data set has been created. i.e . If i display the data between 1 day, the x axis scale to be split into 24 hours and if its 7 week, x axis into 7 parts. 1 month , 30 parts, etc . Is there a way to do this analysis on fusion charts or we have to manually do the analysis part and provide the data values after we calculate the scale?




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Guest Angshu



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif



1. First, you would need to define the unit of the data which you're providing. Like, if you're providing all data in seconds. So, default number scale would be represented in seconds. We can represent it as under:


<chart defaultNumberScale='s' ...>


2. Next, we define our own scale for the chart as under:


<chart numberScaleValue='60,60,24,7' numberScaleUnit='min,hr,day,wk' >


3. Set the chart formatting flags to on as under:


<chart formatNumber='1' formatNumberScale='1' ...>


For more details, please visit : http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/?advanced/number-format/Number_Scaling.html


In case you are not looking for this, please send us a screenshot or live link of your requirement.


Hope this helps.


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  On 12/26/2011 at 10:03 AM, Angshu said:



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif



1. First, you would need to define the unit of the data which you're providing. Like, if you're providing all data in seconds. So, default number scale would be represented in seconds. We can represent it as under:


<chart defaultNumberScale='s' ...>


2. Next, we define our own scale for the chart as under:


<chart numberScaleValue='60,60,24,7' numberScaleUnit='min,hr,day,wk' >


3. Set the chart formatting flags to on as under:


<chart formatNumber='1' formatNumberScale='1' ...>


For more details, please visit : http://docs.fusionch...er_Scaling.html


In case you are not looking for this, please send us a screenshot or live link of your requirement.


Hope this helps.



Thanks Angshu



2011-12-14 12:33:03.3277827

2011-12-14 12:33:15.6074851

2011-12-14 12:33:15.6664885

2011-12-14 12:33:27.7691807

2011-12-14 12:33:27.7901819

2011-12-14 12:33:41.0659412

2011-12-14 12:33:41.1259447

2011-12-14 12:33:53.2266368

2011-12-14 12:33:53.2886403

2011-12-14 12:34:05.8273575

2011-12-14 12:34:05.8893611

2011-12-14 12:34:17.0059969

2011-12-14 12:34:17.0670004


A Sample Data i get out of the query .

Edited by ravensnowbird

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I think i can separate the yyyy/mm/dd hr/mm/ss And ignore the milliseconds .


This is my xml file



<graph caption='Report' subcaption='(from 2011/12/10 to 2011/12/20)' hovercapbg='FFECAA' hovercapborder='F47E00' formatNumberScale='0' decimalPrecision='0' showvalues='0' numdivlines='3' numVdivlines='3' yAxisMaxValue='230' yAxisMinValue='220' rotateNames='1' >


<category name='14-12-2011 12:33:03'/>

<category name='14-12-2011 12:33:15'/>

<category name='14-12-2011 12:33:15'/>

<category name='14-12-2011 12:33:27'/>

<category name='14-12-2011 12:33:27'/>


<dataset seriesName='ABCD' color='1D8BD1' anchorBorderColor='1D8BD1' anchorBgColor='1D8BD1'>

<set value='225'/>

<set value='225'/>

<set value='225'/>

<set value='225'/>

<set value='225'/>


<dataset seriesName='EFGH' color='F1683C' anchorBorderColor='F1683C' anchorBgColor='F1683C'>

<set value='226'/>

<set value='226'/>

<set value='226'/>

<set value='226'/>

<set value='226'/>


<dataset seriesName='IJKL' color='2AD62A' anchorBorderColor='2AD62A' anchorBgColor='2AD62A'>

<set value='227'/>

<set value='227'/>

<set value='227'/>

<set value='227'/>

<set value='227'/>



Edited by ravensnowbird

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