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No Data Error

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Please help me out I ma using the evaluation version and i keep getting no data and i know there is data in the output because i can see it in the generated code. here is my php code.




			   $ciqfy1 = "CIQFY";
              	$query_str1 = "SELECT DAY( date_day ), COUNT( afid_seller_name ) "
                 	. " FROM lead_partners_pages " 
                 	. " WHERE afid_seller_name = '$ciqfy1' AND MONTH(date_day)=MONTH(NOW()) "
                 	. " GROUP BY DATE( date_day ) ";

				  $result1 = mysql_query($query_str1) or die(mysql_error());
				  $row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1);
             		  $strXML1 = "<graph  yaxisname='Leads Generatd' canvasBorderColor='333333' numdivlines='4' divLineColor='333333' >";

				$strXML1 .=  "<dataset seriesname='Leads Generatd' color='AFD8F8' showValues='0'>";
				foreach($row1 as $leads_generated1)

				$chardollers1 = $leads_generated1['COUNT(afid_seller_name)'];
				//Iterate through each factory
				$the_row1 = $leads_generated1['date_day'];
				$strXML1 .= "<set name='" . $the_row1 . "' value='250'" . " />";
				//Finally, close <graph> element

				$strXML1 .= "</dataset>";

				$strXML1 .=  "<dataset seriesname='Leads Sold' color='F6BD0F' showValues='0'> ";

				$ciqfy2 = "CIQFY";
               	$query_str2 = "SELECT DAY( date_day ), COUNT( afid_seller_name ) "
                 	. " FROM lead_partners_pages " 
                 	. " WHERE afid_seller_name = '$ciqfy2' AND MONTH(date_day)=MONTH(NOW()) "
                 	. " GROUP BY DATE( date_day ) ";

				  $result2 = mysql_query($query_str2) or die(mysql_error());
				  $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);

				foreach($row2 as $leads_generated2)

				$chardollers2 = $leads_generated2['COUNT(afid_seller_name)'];
				//Iterate through each factory
				$the_row2 = $leads_generated1['date_day']; 
				$strXML1 .= "<set name='" . $the_row2 . "' value='250'" . " />";
				//Finally, close <graph> element

				$strXML1 .= "</dataset>";

				$strXML1 .= "</graph>";
			 //Create the chart - Pie 3D Chart with data from $strXML
				echo renderChart("../../admin/FusionCharts_Evaluation/Charts/MSStackedColumn2D.swf", "", $strXML1, "leads_gen_and_sold", 855, 320, false, true, true);

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If your chart shows a "No data to display" message, it could be the following scenarios:


  • Your XML data doesn't contain any data that could be plotted by FusionCharts. In this case, your XML just contains the <chart> or <dataset> tags without any data between them.
  • You might be using a single-series chart SWF and providing data in multi-series format or vice-versa. In this case too, you'll get a "No data to display" message.
  • In some Dual Y Combination charts, you need to provide at least one dataset for both the axis. Otherwise, you'll get a "No data to display" message.



The code attached does not contain <categories></categories> element


The <categories> element lets you bunch together x-axis labels of the chart. For a stacked chart, it's necessary to provide data labels using <category> elements under <categories> element.


Also, while using FusionCharts Evaluation version, replace <graph></graph> with <chart></chart> element.


For more information on "Multi-series Stacked Column 2D Chart ", please refer the following link:


I hope this helps.:)







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