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Legend In Single Line

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Can I show legend in a single line.


In my chart, it is spread across two lines though there is space on left and right side of legend.


Is there a way to force the legend to occupy only one line?




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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your post.


Could you please send us the XML code to look into the issue?


Awaiting for your response.

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Hi Angshu,


Here is the chart xml:


<chart yAxisName="No Of Chunks" xAxisName="Milestone" showSum="0" palette="3" useRoundEdges="1" showLegend="1"

showAlternateHGridColor="0" divLineAlpha="15" bgColor="EDEFFF" chartTopMargin="40"

exportHandler="FusionCharts/ExportHandlers/JSP/FCExporter.jsp" exportAction="save" exportFileName="RDBChunks_"

exportEnabled="1" showExportDialog="0" exportShowMenuItem="0" exportAtClient="0" plotSpacePercent="50"


<categories fontSize="10" fontColor="000000" font="Arial" xmlns="">

<category label="M0"/>

<category label="M1"/>

<category label="M2"/>

<category label="M3"/>

<category label="M4"/>

<category label="M5"/>

<category label="M6"/>

<category label="M7"/>

<category label="M8"/>


<dataset seriesName="Completed" showValues="0" color="009933" xmlns="">

<set value="6.0"/>

<set value="5.0"/>

<set value="22.0"/>

<set value="34.0"/>

<set value="65.0"/>

<set value="80.0"/>

<set value="15.0"/>

<set value="0.0"/>

<set value="0.0"/>


<dataset seriesName="In Progress" showValues="0" color="B6B6B6" xmlns="">

<set value="0.0"/>

<set value="0.0"/>

<set value="0.0"/>

<set value="0.0"/>

<set value="0.0"/>

<set value="0.0"/>

<set value="73.0"/>

<set value="37.0"/>

<set value="4.0"/>


<dataset seriesName="Pending Overdue" showValues="0" color="FF2012" xmlns="">

<set value="0.0"/>

<set value="0.0"/>

<set value="0.0"/>

<set value="0.0"/>

<set value="1.0"/>

<set value="4.0"/>

<set value="6.0"/>

<set value="0.0"/>

<set value="0.0"/>




The legend is occupying two rows of space.




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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


I am afraid, we are unable to replicate the issue,as the code is working fine from our end.


Please find the screenshot attached for your reference.


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