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Applying Styles

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We are looking to apply styles to our stats but we unable to find how add styles. If any one know please help us.


Our xml string s following :


xmlData.Append("<graph showAboutMenuItem='0' labelStep='" & l.ToString() & "' lineColor='15b2dd' lineThickness='3' bgAlpha = '50' decimalPrecision='3' divlinecolor = 'EFEFED' divLineAlpha = '80' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderColor='BFBFBE' showAlternateVGridColor='1' AlternateVGridColor='ffffff' showAlternateHGridColor = '1' AlternateHGridColor='ffffff' numVDivlines='15' rotateLabels='1' slantLabels='1' bgColor='FFFFFF' showBorder='0' showToolTip='1' toolTipBorderColor='D9E5F1' toolTipBgColor='D9E5F1' exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='1' exportShowMenuItem='1' exportAction='save' exportHandler='fcExporter1' exportFileName='file' exportCallback='save' defaultAnimation='0'><categories>")


We are looking to apply tool tip in 2 line but can't. Please check attached screen shot.


Edited by abreddy

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Guest Angshu



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


Could you please confirm the FusionCharts version you are using?


FusionCharts v3 introduces Styles to help you apply font, effects and animations to various objects of the chart. Styles lends a simple mechanism using which you can easily control the visual layout of charts.


For more details, please visit the links below:


Hope this helps.

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