
Set Value Variable In Fusion Charts

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I have a database that adds up all the various categories


How do I put the values in the set values ie. it counts the religions... so I want to put in $buddhist $hindus etc... I know the it adds up ok, its putting the variables into the dataxml set name value bit that it only accepts whole numbers


The graphs look great tho...






<?php $con = mysql_connect("blahblahblah", "blahblahblah", "blahblahblah") or die(mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("blahblahblah ");

if (!$con)


die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());


mysql_select_db("my_db", $con);










$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM diverse");

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))


if (($row['greligion']) == "Buddhist") {$buddhist = $buddhist + 1;}

if (($row['greligion']) == "Christian") {$christian=$christian+1;}

if (($row['greligion']) == "Hindu") {$hindu=$hindu+1;}

if (($row['greligion']) == "Jewish") {$jewish=$jewish+1;}

if (($row['greligion']) == "Muslim") {$muslim=$muslim+1;}

if (($row['greligion']) == "Sikh") {$sikh=$sikh+1;}

if (($row['greligion']) == "other") {$other=$other+1;}

if (($row['greligion']) == "prefer") {$prefer=$prefer+1;}



echo "</table>";




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<param name="FlashVars" value="&dataXML=<graph caption='Diversity - Religion' xAxisName='Religion' yAxisName='No' showNames='1' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0'><set name='Buddhist' value='$buddhist' color='AFD8F8' /><set name='Christian' value='857' color='F6BD0F' /><set name='Hindu' value='671' color='8BBA00' /><set name='Jewish' value='494' color='FF8E46'/><set name='Muslim' value='761' color='008E8E'/><set name='Sikh' value='960' color='D64646'/><set name='Other' value='629' color='8E468E'/><set name='Prefer' value='622' color='588526'/></graph>">

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<embed src="http://www.clcuk.co.cc/charts/Charts/FCF_Column3D.swf?chartWidth=600&chartHeight=500" flashVars="&dataXML=<graph caption='Diversity - Religion' xAxisName='Religion' yAxisName='No' showNames='1' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0'><set name='Buddhist' value='$buddhist' color='AFD8F8' /><set name='Christian' value='857' color='F6BD0F' /><set name='Hindu' value='671' color='8BBA00' /><set name='Jewish' value='494' color='FF8E46'/><set name='Muslim' value='761' color='008E8E'/><set name='Sikh' value='960' color='D64646'/><set name='Other' value='629' color='8E468E'/><set name='Prefer' value='622' color='588526'/></graph>" quality="high" width="600" height="500" name="Column3D" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />





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Guest Angshu



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


Please note that FusionCharts accepts data in XML/JSON format only. All you would need to do is to build proper XML from the database that you query from your database.


You would need to write your own code in order to suffice your requirement, as FusionCharts supports only numbers in value attribute inside the <set> element , as of now.


Hope this helps.

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