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How To Load Heat Map In Presto

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I have been developing charts using Fusion charts in Presto. This is the first time am trying to develop heat map from Power charts.


When i checked i was not able to find HeatMap.swf in the library. But i could find Spline.swf which is also a Power charts swf. Is that because its not updated to v3.2.


So what should i do in order to get the heatmap chart built.


Can i just download only HeatMap.swf and just include it in html. Is that enough to build heatmap chart.


Should i include any js for using Power charts swfs or is it enough if i just include that swf file.

var myChart = new FusionCharts( "../../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "myChartId", "400", "300", "0", "1" );


How should i change the path of the swf file for HeatMap.swf using Power charts.


Can you please brief me on this.




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Guest Sumedh

Greetings. :)


HeatMap chart comes under PowerCharts (v3.2).


HeatMap chart was not supported in the earlier versions of PowerCharts, please re-download it from following URL:


To create HeatMap chart, you would need to copy following .js files in a folder from Download Pack>>PowerCharts>>Charts folder.






Now, copy "HeatMap.swf" file from Download Pack>>PowerCharts>>Charts folder.


In the HTML code you would need to modify for the code for HeatMap chart as following:

var myChart = new FusionCharts( "../../FusionCharts/HeatMap.swf", "myChartId", "400", "300", "0", "1" );


Please note that, HeatMap chart has a specified XML format, refer the following link for more information:


Hope this helps. :)

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Hi Sumedh,


Thanks for the quick reply.


I just downloaded the HeatMap.swf and added in our Presto app and pointed to it for loading purpose.


But am getting FusionCharts v3.2 Evaluation. Presto has a licensed version of Fusion charts right?


What should be done in order to remove this. Can you please guide me on this.






Greetings. :)


HeatMap chart comes under PowerCharts (v3.2).


HeatMap chart was not supported in the earlier versions of PowerCharts, please re-download it from following URL:



To create HeatMap chart, you would need to copy following .js files in a folder from Download Pack>>PowerCharts>>Charts folder.






Now, copy "HeatMap.swf" file from Download Pack>>PowerCharts>>Charts folder.


In the HTML code you would need to modify for the code for HeatMap chart as following:

var myChart = new FusionCharts( "../../FusionCharts/HeatMap.swf", "myChartId", "400", "300", "0", "1" );


Please note that, HeatMap chart has a specified XML format, refer the following link for more information:



Hope this helps. :)

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I have downloaded latest version of charts from link http://www.fusioncha...ownload/trials/. but I am not finding any swf files in downloaded folder.

Please help in getting swf and js flies for Heat Map.




Hi Ankita,


Please refer to the following Forum post for further details.



Hope this helps. :)

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