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Autoinstallredirect Issue.

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I am using the following syntax : var myChart = new FusionCharts("FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "myChartId", "400", "300", 0, 0, "", "noScale", "", 1, 1);

with fusioncharts 3.2.2 but instead of redirecting the user when they do not have flash installed it simply renders the chart in javascript. My understanding is that with the detect and redirect flags set it should issue a statement prompting the user to install flash.


Thank you for any assistance.



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Guest Bindhu



Starting FusionCharts v3.2, you can now render the charts on devices where Flash player is not supported (like in iPhone or iPad), is not installed or is disabled using the built-in JavaScript rendering capabilities.


The charts rendered by this module are purely using JavaScript and do not need Flash Player at all.


FusionCharts gives you the option of either using automatic fallback, wherein the charts figure out the best mode of rendering (either Flash or JavaScript, based on availability of Flash Player), or lets you configure whether to render charts exclusively using JavaScript.


For more details on 'JavaScript Charting capabilities', please refer to the link below,


For more details on 'Using JavaScript (HTML5) renderer', please refer to the link below,


Hope this helps !

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In case you wish to render Flash charts only:


FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('flash'); -- Sets the renderer for all the charts.


All the charts that get rendered, after this function call, will abide by this setting.:)






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