Yeva Hovhsnnisyan

Linear Gauge: Lowerlimit Is Not Affected

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I am trying to set lower limit to my linear gaugeusing lowerLimit attribute and it seems that it doesn't work under flash mode.

Here is my xml

<chart valuePadding='25' placeTicksInside='1' showTickValues='1' bgColor='#FFFFFF' bgAlpha='50' adjustTM='0' majorTMNumber='5' formatNumberScale='1' showBorder='0' upperLimit='60000' lowerLimit='7000' gaugeRoundRadius='5' showLimits='1' minorTMHeight="1.86" majorTMHeight="3.72" ticksBelowGauge='0' placeValuesInside='0' showGaugeLabels='0' valueAbovePointer='0' pointerOnTop='1' pointerRadius='6' chartTopMargin='23.25' chartBottomMargin='41.85' chartLeftMargin='20' chartRightMargin='20' majorTMColor=''><colorRange><color minValue='7000' maxValue='53269.64000000001' code='C60501'/><color minValue='53269.64000000001' maxValue='60000' code='E0F7FF'/></colorRange><annotations><annotationGroup id='Grp1' showBelow='1'><annotation type='rectangle' x='2' y='2' toX='272' toY='93' radius='10' fillColor='CCCCCC 333333 CCCCCC' fillAngle='90'/><annotation type='rectangle' x='5' y='5' toX='267' toY='88' radius='10' fillColor='333333, CCCCCC, 333333' fillAngle='90'/><annotation type='rectangle' x='10' y='10' toX='262' toY='83' radius='10' fillColor='FFFFFF, A3A5A4' fillAngle='180'/></annotationGroup></annotations><styles><definition><style name='valueFont' type='Font' bgColor='333333' size='10' color='FFFFFF'/><style name='ThickFont' type='Font' size='5' color='FFFFFF'/></definition><application><apply toObject="VALUE" styles="valueFont"/><apply toObject="VALUE" styles="valueFont"/></application></styles></chart>


I am using HLinearGauge.swf. As you can see lowerLimit is specified as 7000. But in gauge displayed it is always 0. The problem doesn't occur in javascript mode and for both modes when lowerlimit < 0.

Edited by Yeva Hovhsnnisyan

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Guest Sashibhusan



We are not able to replicate the issue, the Gauge is set to lower limit "7000" using "lowerLimit" attribute.


Please find the attached screen shot which is showing lowerlimit as "7K" using your XML file and FusionWidgets XT SR1.


Could you please confirm, in which version of FusionWidgets exactly you are getting this issue?


Awaiting your response!


Edited by Sashibhusan

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We are not able to replicate the issue, the Gauge is set to lower limit "7000" using "lowerLimit" attribute.


Please find the attached screen shot which is showing lowerlimit as "7K" using your XML file and FusionWidgets XT SR1.


Could you please confirm, in which version of FusionWidgets exactly you are getting this issue?


Awaiting your response!


Hi I am facing same problem lowerlimit value any thing above 0 always show 0 but in case if I put less then 0 i.e -10 or -11 it shows correctly. I did check with angular or linear gauge both same result.

<chart bgColor="FFFFFF" bgAlpha="0" showBorder="0" lowerLimit="11" upperLimit="1410" gaugeStartAngle="180" gaugeEndAngle="0" palette="1" showValue="1" autoScale="1" pointerBgColor="FFFFFF" pointerBorderColor="000000" chartTopMargin="25" chartBottomMargin="0"><colorRange><color minValue="11" maxValue="282" code="FF654F"/><color minValue="282" maxValue="705" code="F6BD0F"/><color minValue="705" maxValue="1410" code="8BBA00"/></colorRange><dials><dial value="0" rearExtension="10" valueX="100" valueY="0"/></dials><pointers><pointer value="0" /></pointers><annotations><annotationGroup><annotation type="text" label="Angular" font="Verdana" xPos="10" yPos="12" align="left" vAlign="left" fontcolor="333333" fontSize="10" isbold="1"/></annotationGroup></annotations></chart>



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Guest Sumedh

Hi I am facing same problem lowerlimit value any thing above 0 always show 0 but in case if I put less then 0 i.e -10 or -11 it shows correctly. I did check with angular or linear gauge both same result.

<chart bgColor="FFFFFF" bgAlpha="0" showBorder="0" lowerLimit="11" upperLimit="1410" gaugeStartAngle="180" gaugeEndAngle="0" palette="1" showValue="1" autoScale="1" pointerBgColor="FFFFFF" pointerBorderColor="000000" chartTopMargin="25" chartBottomMargin="0"><colorRange><color minValue="11" maxValue="282" code="FF654F"/><color minValue="282" maxValue="705" code="F6BD0F"/><color minValue="705" maxValue="1410" code="8BBA00"/></colorRange><dials><dial value="0" rearExtension="10" valueX="100" valueY="0"/></dials><pointers><pointer value="0" /></pointers><annotations><annotationGroup><annotation type="text" label="Angular" font="Verdana" xPos="10" yPos="12" align="left" vAlign="left" fontcolor="333333" fontSize="10" isbold="1"/></annotationGroup></annotations></chart>






You are using dials attribute, which is not a valid attribute for HLinear gauge.


Pointer attribute is a valid attribute for the HLinear gauge.


Also from the pasted XML, the pointer value is specified as "0". Due to this gauge consider the lower limit as "0".


Here, you would need to provide a valid pointer value between the range i.e., 11-1410 (lower-limit and upper-limit).


Please refer the following URL, for more information:


Also, find attached screen-shot and modified XML for your reference.


Hope this helps.



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