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Area Chart With Anchors

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According to the documentation: "Each data point in a line/spline/area chart is represented by an anchor."


But try as I might, I cannot get the anchors to show up on the "MSArea.swf". Is it possible to show anchors on the 3D Area chart?

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Guest Bindhu

According to the documentation: "Each data point in a line/spline/area chart is represented by an anchor."


But try as I might, I cannot get the anchors to show up on the "MSArea.swf". Is it possible to show anchors on the 3D Area chart?


Hi Karl,


Thank you for your mail.


Please set the attribute 'anchorAlpha' to 100.


Additionally, you may also try using the following attributes,

1. drawAnchors: Whether to draw anchors on the chart. Takes Boolean value, please set it to 1.

2. anchorSides: This attribute sets the number of sides the anchor will have. For example, an anchor with 3 sides will represent a triangle, with 4 it will be a square and so on.

3. anchorRadius: This attribute sets the radius (in pixels) of the anchor. Greater the radius, bigger will be the anchor size.


For more details on 'Multi-series Area 2D Chart Specification Sheet', please refer to the link below,


Hope this helps !

Edited by Bindhu

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