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Santosh Balid

Problem With Double Byte Characters On Fusion Charts

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I want to show double byte chatacters on tab of extjs, but i have problem with this.


I got solution for the same problem with accented characters by passing hexadecimal value through url.



e.g passing these value


<Resource locale="de-DE" code="cc-anal-r-casesbymonth">

<Const name="xAxisName" value="Monat" />

<Const name="yAxisName" value="Anzahl der Vorgänge" />

<Const name="seriesName1" value="Geöffnet" />

<Const name="seriesName2" value="Geschlossen" />

<Const name="drillDownTitle" value="Vorg%E4nge nach Monat" />

<Coldef name="monthName" label="Kategorie" />

<Coldef name="OpenSeries" label="Datensatz" />

<Coldef name="CloseSeries" label="Datensatz" />




To the function



<set seriesname="[$seriesName2$]">

<xsl:variable name="queryString" select="concat('statusvar=Close&analflag=1&begindate=', sw:F(., 'fromdate'),'&[*filter*]&dateType=[*dateCriteria*]')"/>

<xsl:attribute name="value">

<xsl:value-of select="sw:F(.,'Closed')"/>


<xsl:attribute name="link">j-filterConsole("[$drillDownTitle$],cc rpt r daterange, <xsl:value-of select="$queryString"/>")</xsl:attribute>





is working fine for accented characters , but having problem with double byte characters.


refer==> accentedCHAR.jpg



But when i do same with double byte charactes it shows garbage value on the Tab.




Passing these value




<Resource locale="zh-CN" code="cc-anal-r-casesbymonth">

<Const name="xAxisName" value="月"/>

<Const name="yAxisName" value="个案数量"/>

<Const name="seriesName1" value="打开"/>

<Const name="seriesName2" value="已关闭"/>

<Const name="drillDownTitle" value="按月排列个案"/>

<Coldef name="monthName" label="类别"/>

<Coldef name="OpenSeries" label="数据集"/>

<Coldef name="CloseSeries" label="数据集"/>



To the same function




<set seriesname="[$seriesName2$]">

<xsl:variable name="queryString" select="concat('statusvar=Close&analflag=1&begindate=', sw:F(., 'fromdate'),'&[*filter*]&dateType=[*dateCriteria*]')"/>

<xsl:attribute name="value">

<xsl:value-of select="sw:F(.,'Closed')"/>


<xsl:attribute name="link">j-filterConsole("[$drillDownTitle$],cc rpt r daterange, <xsl:value-of select="$queryString"/>")</xsl:attribute>





but it shows garbage value on tab instead of double byte characters




Please refer screenshot==>



in this screenshot it shows garbage value insteas of 按月排列个案 value of <Const name="drillDownTitle" value="按月排列个案"/>


I solved the same problem for accented characters by passing hexadecimal value of it with % sign infront of it e.g [ <Const name="drillDownTitle" value="Vorg%E4nge nach Monat" />

]. i used %E4 insted of ä

Please suggest the solution for the same issue for double byte characters i.e how i encode these characters


waiting for your



Thanks & Regards,


Edited by Santosh Balid

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I want to show double byte chatacters on tab of extjs, but i have problem with this.


I got solution for the same problem with accented characters by passing hexadecimal value through url.



e.g passing these value


<Resource locale="de-DE" code="cc-anal-r-casesbymonth">

<Const name="xAxisName" value="Monat" />

<Const name="yAxisName" value="Anzahl der Vorgänge" />

<Const name="seriesName1" value="Geöffnet" />

<Const name="seriesName2" value="Geschlossen" />

<Const name="drillDownTitle" value="Vorg%E4nge nach Monat" />

<Coldef name="monthName" label="Kategorie" />

<Coldef name="OpenSeries" label="Datensatz" />

<Coldef name="CloseSeries" label="Datensatz" />




To the function



<set seriesname="[$seriesName2$]">

<xsl:variable name="queryString" select="concat('statusvar=Close&analflag=1&begindate=', sw:F(., 'fromdate'),'&[*filter*]&dateType=[*dateCriteria*]')"/>

<xsl:attribute name="value">

<xsl:value-of select="sw:F(.,'Closed')"/>


<xsl:attribute name="link">j-filterConsole("[$drillDownTitle$],cc rpt r daterange, <xsl:value-of select="$queryString"/>")</xsl:attribute>





is working fine for accented characters , but having problem with double byte characters.


refer==> accentedCHAR.jpg



But when i do same with double byte charactes it shows garbage value on the Tab.




Passing these value




<Resource locale="zh-CN" code="cc-anal-r-casesbymonth">

<Const name="xAxisName" value="月"/>

<Const name="yAxisName" value="个案数量"/>

<Const name="seriesName1" value="打开"/>

<Const name="seriesName2" value="已关闭"/>

<Const name="drillDownTitle" value="按月排列个案"/>

<Coldef name="monthName" label="类别"/>

<Coldef name="OpenSeries" label="数据集"/>

<Coldef name="CloseSeries" label="数据集"/>



To the same function




<set seriesname="[$seriesName2$]">

<xsl:variable name="queryString" select="concat('statusvar=Close&analflag=1&begindate=', sw:F(., 'fromdate'),'&[*filter*]&dateType=[*dateCriteria*]')"/>

<xsl:attribute name="value">

<xsl:value-of select="sw:F(.,'Closed')"/>


<xsl:attribute name="link">j-filterConsole("[$drillDownTitle$],cc rpt r daterange, <xsl:value-of select="$queryString"/>")</xsl:attribute>






The double byte characters are not reaces to the following js function



function filterConsole(chartParams) {

var params;

var filterObj = {};

var scope = getFilterConsoleScope();


if (scope && scope.filterConsole) {

params = chartParams.split(",");

if (params.length >= 3) {

filterObj.title = params[0].replace(/^\s/, "").replace(/\s$/, "");

filterObj.code = params[1].replace(/^\s/, "").replace(/\s$/, "").replace(/\s/g, "-");

filterObj.queryString = params[2].replace(/^\s/, "").replace(/\s$/, "");

if (params.length === 4) { = params[3].replace(/^\s/, "").replace(/\s$/, "").replace(/\s/g, "-");







It shows garbage value on tab instead of double byte characters




Please refer screenshot==>



in this screenshot it shows garbage value insteas of 按月排列个案 value of <Const name="drillDownTitle" value="按月排列个案"/>


I solved the same problem for accented characters by passing hexadecimal value of it with % sign infront of it e.g [ <Const name="drillDownTitle" value="Vorg%E4nge nach Monat" />

]. i used %E4 insted of ä

Please suggest the solution for the same issue for double byte characters i.e how i encode these characters


waiting for your



Thanks & Regards,







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Guest Rishi Choudhari

how does fusioncharts come into the picture?


it is a bit unclear from the code that you provided..





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