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Dashed Lines On Multi Series Area Chart

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Is it possible to have one series a dashed border and one series a solid border on a multi-series area chart. To me it seems like the property plotBorderDashed=1 only works on the chart but not on a particular series. Is there a way around this limitation?

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Guest Sumedh

Is it possible to have one series a dashed border and one series a solid border on a multi-series area chart. To me it seems like the property plotBorderDashed=1 only works on the chart but not on a particular series. Is there a way around this limitation?




To achieve this you can use dashed attribute for the particular dataset.


You would need to specify this attribute under the dataset element that you want to make dashed.


Ref. Code:

<chart ... >


<dataset seriesName='2005' dashed='1'>




Please find attached screen-shot for your reference.


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Thanks this worked perfectly. Is the 'dashed' attribute documented? I did not see it when I was looking for it in the docs.



To achieve this you can use dashed attribute for the particular dataset.


You would need to specify this attribute under the dataset element that you want to make dashed.


Ref. Code:

<chart ... >


<dataset seriesName='2005' dashed='1'>




Please find attached screen-shot for your reference.

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