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Sagar Kamate

Issue With Axis Names In Flash For Bubble Chart

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I am using the Bubble chart.


While using Bubble chart through Fusion chart using Java Script it shows the correct chart but for Fusion chart using Flash it shows the space between canvas and axis name.


PFA JavaScript.png and Flash.png


And Here is my XML Code :



<chart palette="0" exportShowMenuItem="0" exportAtClient="0" captionPadding="0"

clipBubbles="1" xAxisMinValue="0" yAxisMinValue="0" xAxisMaxValue="100" legendBorderColor="121212"

showPlotBorder="0" xAxisName="Users" yAxisName="Likes" chartRightMargin="30"

showYAxisValues="0" showXAxisValues="0" outCnvBaseFontSize="12" legendBorderAlpha="100"

bgAlpha="100" canvasbgColor="121212" canvasbgAlpha="100" baseFont="Arial" baseFontSize="10"

baseFontColor="6C6C6C" exportEnabled="0" showLegend="1" is3D="1"

outCnvBaseFontColor="6C6C6C" legendShadow="0" drawQuadrant="1"

showValues="0" showAlternateHGridColor="0" DivlineColor="121212" DivlineThickness="1"

plotFillAlpha="100" VDivlineColor="6C6C6C" yAxisMaxValue="100" use3DLighting="1" interactiveLegend="1"

legendPadding="10" numVDivlines="0" legendBgColor="121212" legendBgAlpha="100" AlternateHGridColor="121212"

anchorRadius="0" adjustDiv="0" rotateLabels="1" slantLabels="1"


animation="1" outCnvBaseFont="Arial" divLineAlpha="100" bgColor="121212"

showBorder="0" chartLeftMargin="5" plotFillRatio="50,0">


<category x="0%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="1%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="2%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="3%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="4%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="5%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="6%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="7%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="8%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="9%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="10%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="11%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="12%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="13%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="14%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="15%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="16%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="17%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="18%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="19%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="20%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="21%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="22%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="23%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="24%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="25%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="26%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="27%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="28%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="29%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="30%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="31%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="32%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="33%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="34%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="35%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="36%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="37%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="38%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="39%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="40%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="41%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="42%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="43%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="44%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="45%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="46%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="47%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="48%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="49%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="50%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>



<dataSet seriesname="Aniket(47)" showValues="1" showLabel="0" showDivLine="0">

<set x="21" y="47" z="3" displayValue="" name=" " toolText="Aniket(47)"/>


<dataSet seriesname="Mahesh(9)" showValues="1" showLabel="0" showDivLine="0">

<set x="33" y="9" z="1" displayValue="" name=" " toolText="Mahesh(9)"/>


<dataSet seriesname="Narendra(20)" showValues="1" showLabel="0" showDivLine="0">

<set x="5" y="20" z="0" displayValue="" name=" " toolText="Narendra(20)"/>


<dataSet seriesname="Rahul(31)" showValues="1" showLabel="0" showDivLine="0">

<set x="30" y="31" z="1" displayValue="" name=" " toolText="Rahul(31)"/>


<dataSet seriesname="Sumit(21)" showValues="1" showLabel="0" showDivLine="0">

<set x="0" y="21" z="2" displayValue="" name=" " toolText="Sumit(21)"/>



<line startValue="50" isTrendZone="1" displayvalue=" " color="6c6c6c"/>



<line startValue="50" endValue="50" displayvalue=" " color="6c6c6c" alpha="40"/>




<style name="myLabelsFont" type="font" font="Arial" size="12" color="6C6C6C"/>

<style name="myLegendFont" type="font" font="Arial" size="12" color="FFFFFF"/>



<apply toObject="DATAPLOT" styles=""/>

<apply toObject="DataLabels" styles=""/>

<apply toObject="Legend" styles=""/>




How can i show same Chart in both Java Script and Flash?



Edited by Sagar Kamate

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Guest Sumedh
  On 5/16/2012 at 12:33 PM, Sagar Kamate said:



I am using the Bubble chart.


While using Bubble chart through Fusion chart using Java Script it shows the correct chart but for Fusion chart using Flash it shows the space between canvas and axis name.


PFA JavaScript.png and Flash.png


And Here is my XML Code :



<chart palette="0" exportShowMenuItem="0" exportAtClient="0" captionPadding="0"

clipBubbles="1" xAxisMinValue="0" yAxisMinValue="0" xAxisMaxValue="100" legendBorderColor="121212"

showPlotBorder="0" xAxisName="Users" yAxisName="Likes" chartRightMargin="30"

showYAxisValues="0" showXAxisValues="0" outCnvBaseFontSize="12" legendBorderAlpha="100"

bgAlpha="100" canvasbgColor="121212" canvasbgAlpha="100" baseFont="Arial" baseFontSize="10"

baseFontColor="6C6C6C" exportEnabled="0" showLegend="1" is3D="1"

outCnvBaseFontColor="6C6C6C" legendShadow="0" drawQuadrant="1"

showValues="0" showAlternateHGridColor="0" DivlineColor="121212" DivlineThickness="1"

plotFillAlpha="100" VDivlineColor="6C6C6C" yAxisMaxValue="100" use3DLighting="1" interactiveLegend="1"

legendPadding="10" numVDivlines="0" legendBgColor="121212" legendBgAlpha="100" AlternateHGridColor="121212"

anchorRadius="0" adjustDiv="0" rotateLabels="1" slantLabels="1"


animation="1" outCnvBaseFont="Arial" divLineAlpha="100" bgColor="121212"

showBorder="0" chartLeftMargin="5" plotFillRatio="50,0">


<category x="0%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="1%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="2%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="3%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="4%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="5%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="6%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="7%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="8%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="9%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="10%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="11%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="12%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="13%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="14%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="15%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="16%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="17%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="18%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="19%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="20%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="21%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="22%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="23%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="24%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="25%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="26%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="27%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="28%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="29%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="30%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="31%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="32%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="33%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="34%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="35%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="36%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="37%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="38%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="39%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="40%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="41%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="42%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="43%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="44%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="45%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="46%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="47%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="48%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="49%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>

<category x="50%" showVerticalLine="0" showLabel="0"/>



<dataSet seriesname="Aniket(47)" showValues="1" showLabel="0" showDivLine="0">

<set x="21" y="47" z="3" displayValue="" name=" " toolText="Aniket(47)"/>


<dataSet seriesname="Mahesh(9)" showValues="1" showLabel="0" showDivLine="0">

<set x="33" y="9" z="1" displayValue="" name=" " toolText="Mahesh(9)"/>


<dataSet seriesname="Narendra(20)" showValues="1" showLabel="0" showDivLine="0">

<set x="5" y="20" z="0" displayValue="" name=" " toolText="Narendra(20)"/>


<dataSet seriesname="Rahul(31)" showValues="1" showLabel="0" showDivLine="0">

<set x="30" y="31" z="1" displayValue="" name=" " toolText="Rahul(31)"/>


<dataSet seriesname="Sumit(21)" showValues="1" showLabel="0" showDivLine="0">

<set x="0" y="21" z="2" displayValue="" name=" " toolText="Sumit(21)"/>



<line startValue="50" isTrendZone="1" displayvalue=" " color="6c6c6c"/>



<line startValue="50" endValue="50" displayvalue=" " color="6c6c6c" alpha="40"/>




<style name="myLabelsFont" type="font" font="Arial" size="12" color="6C6C6C"/>

<style name="myLegendFont" type="font" font="Arial" size="12" color="FFFFFF"/>



<apply toObject="DATAPLOT" styles=""/>

<apply toObject="DataLabels" styles=""/>

<apply toObject="Legend" styles=""/>




How can i show same Chart in both Java Script and Flash?




Please refer this post:

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I have changed some property values of XML by setting the negative xAxisNamePadding and yAxisNamePadding for Flash.

But still their is some issue with y Axis Name while for xAxis name it is fine.

How can i resolve this ?

I want the y Axis Name at center as it shows in Fusion chart using Java Script but in Fusion chart using flash it shows towards x axis.



Edited by Sagar Kamate

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Guest Sumedh
  On 5/17/2012 at 9:54 AM, Sagar Kamate said:

I have changed some property values of XML by setting the negative xAxisNamePadding and yAxisNamePadding for Flash.

But still their is some issue with y Axis Name while for xAxis name it is fine.

How can i resolve this ?

I want the y Axis Name at center as it shows in Fusion chart using Java Script but in Fusion chart using flash it shows towards x axis.





For this, you would need to specify centerYAxisName='0' attribute in your XML.


This attribute when set to '1', allows you to align the y-axis name with respect to the height of the chart. When set to '0', the y-axis name is aligned with respect to the height of the canvas.


Ref. Code:

<chart ... centerYAxisName='0'>


Hope this helps.

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Guest Sumedh
  On 5/17/2012 at 11:34 AM, Sagar Kamate said:

Thank You. Finally Its Working Now.




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