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Ananthkumar K S

Adding Fusion Chart Content In Mail

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I am planning to add the fusion chart content in mail client using HTML5. Is it possible to achieve that? Is there an implementation of HTML5 with fusion chart with out javascript as i feel mail clients do not support javascript?


Can anyone give some clarity on the feasibility of the following implementation? If its possible to achieve the above in a mail client , can you provide me with an example for the same.





Ananthkumar K S

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Guest Sashibhusan



FusionCharts leverages JavaScript (HTML5) and Flash to create stunning data visualizations and works seamlessly on PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones and most other mobile devices.


But, FusionCharts does not support mail clients as of now, due to some security reasons as the chart is an ActiveX object.


However, you can export the chart to image/PDF and then use that image/PDF in your mail client.


Hope this helps!

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