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Separator For X-Axis Value And Y-Axis Value

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I have a multi series column and bar chart.

I want to have the separator in between each set of record.


Please see the attached image.

Left hand side is the current layout from example website.

Right hand side is the chart layout that i would like to render.


Is it possible to add the separator show in right hand side's chart (circle in red).


Thanks in advanced.


Edited by hypoBee

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Guest Sumedh



I have a multi series column and bar chart.

I want to have the separator in between each set of record.


Please see the attached image.

Left hand side is the current layout from example website.

Right hand side is the chart layout that i would like to render.


Is it possible to add the separator show in right hand side's chart (circle in red).


Thanks in advanced.




Adding separators in between the x-axis labels is not possible.


Thanks for your time.

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Since adding separator is not posible as of now.

Can we make the gap between the x-axis labels bigger?





Adding separators in between the x-axis labels is not possible.


Thanks for your time.

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Guest Sumedh



Since adding separator is not posible as of now.

Can we make the gap between the x-axis labels bigger?







Increasing the space between x-axis labels is not possible.


Thanks for your time.

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I have read from another topic that it is possible to increase the space between x-axis labels by using the setting plotSpacePercent.

Default value is 20%.

You may set it to 0 if you do not want any gap or set it more than 20 to increase the space.






Increasing the space between x-axis labels is not possible.


Thanks for your time.

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Guest Sumedh



I have read from another topic that it is possible to increase the space between x-axis labels by using the setting plotSpacePercent.

Default value is 20%.

You may set it to 0 if you do not want any gap or set it more than 20 to increase the space.








plotSpacePercent attribute is used to increase/decrease the space between two plots.


Please note, increase/decreasing the space between x-axis labels is a different aspect.


If you are willing to adjust the space the space between two plots, you can use plotSpacePercent attribute.


Ref. Code:

<chart ... plotSpacePercent='40'>


Also, adjusting the space between x-axis labels is not possible.


Hope this helps.

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Is it mean i adjust the space between plot will not add the space between the x-axis label?


So it will become label not match to the plot? because the space between plot is increase but the label space is not increase?







plotSpacePercent attribute is used to increase/decrease the space between two plots.


Please note, increase/decreasing the space between x-axis labels is a different aspect.


If you are willing to adjust the space the space between two plots, you can use plotSpacePercent attribute.


Ref. Code:

<chart ... plotSpacePercent='40'>


Also, adjusting the space between x-axis labels is not possible.


Hope this helps.

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Guest Sumedh



Is it mean i adjust the space between plot will not add the space between the x-axis label?


So it will become label not match to the plot? because the space between plot is increase but the label space is not increase?










FusionCharts charting engine will automatically adjust the x-axis labels according to the plotSpacePercent attribute.


But there is no specific attribute to adjust the x-axis label spacing.


Please find attached screen-shots for your reference.






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So this can be a work-around to adjust the x-axis labels.





FusionCharts charting engine will automatically adjust the x-axis labels according to the plotSpacePercent attribute.


But there is no specific attribute to adjust the x-axis label spacing.


Please find attached screen-shots for your reference.





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