
wmode = "transparent"; where in the js file do I add this parameter?

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I've got a problem which has been mentioned in the Knowledge Base.




However, as FusionCharts uses js functions to render the HTML required to show the flash, and my js skills are not what they could be, I'm unsure how to explicitly set 'wmode="transparent"'.




Within FusionCharts.js, there is a section which is as follows:




setTransparent: function(isTransparent){

  //Sets chart to transparent mode when isTransparent is true (default)

  //When no parameter is passed, we assume transparent to be true.

  if(typeof isTransparent=="undefined") {



  //Set the property


     this.addParam('WMode', 'transparent');


     this.addParam('WMode', 'Opaque');





If I view "rendered source" in Firefox though, I cannot see that this parameter is set at all.




Any help much appreciated.





Edited by Guest

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var Chart1 = new FusionCharts(this.chart, "ChartId1", this.width, this.hight);

  Chart1.addParam("WMode", "Transparent");




this works for me.

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I've found that the "vmode param" removes a little border round the chart movie in wich case in set into an object type (InternetExplorer " Tag" and Firefox " Tag").




In my case, I added addParam("vmode","transparent") as well but It looks like that is not all in some cases, also, you should try to modify the follow snippet code.




** Into the FusionCharts.js file **




Please, Can you identify the function infosoftglobal.FusionCharts = function(swf, id, w, h, debugMode, registerWithJS, c, scaleMode, lang, detectFlashVersion, autoInstallRedirect){




// identify line 36/329


// ensure layers render on top


this.addParam('wmode', 'opaque');






//replace implicit


this.addParam('wmode', 'transparent');






// Please, Can you identify the function setTransparent?


// line 158/329


setTransparent: function(isTransparent){


var varName = "WMode"; // property ie




//Sets chart to transparent mode when isTransparent is true (default)


//When no parameter is passed, we assume transparent to be true.


if(typeof isTransparent=="undefined") {








if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet")==-1) {


varName = "vmode"; // property ff






//Set the property ff




this.addParam( varName, 'transparent');




this.addParam( varName, 'opaque');








Jorge Rivero

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I am attaching a small sample application using FusionCharts v3.1.1 to test the wMode related issues.

The application shows three charts (all same chart) in wMode as "window", "transparent" and "opaque" respectively. There is also an active Overlay HTML division that moves around with the mouse pointer and shows the current mouse coordinate.

Moving the mouse across the first chart reveals that the overlay HTML division does not get over the chart in "window" mode. But in other two charts, everything seems fine. :hehe:

Note: you will need to login in order to download this piece of code.

PS: Thanks Sudipto for compiling this app.


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