
Defining Vertical Grid Line In A Bar2D Chart

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I'm building a Bar2D chart that contains simple data such as:

Test Data | 90%

Test Data 2 | 83%

Test Data 3 | 96%


But now the chart gets rendered with grid lines such as: 0%, 22%, 44%, 66%, 88%, 110%


I'd like to specify what I want such as 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 100% only.


I'm using XML syntax and JS. Could you please help me?


Also bonus question! I'm using trending lines, I got two and their labels overlap each others because they're horizontal. I read that it is not possible to put them vertically, is it?


You can see the chart below:



Thanks a lot and have a nice day!



Edited by tbergeron

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Guest Bindhu



Welcome to the FusionCharts Forum :)


Thank you for the post.


Please set the attribute "showYAxisValues" to 0 and then define trendLines.


Ref. Code:

<chart numberSuffix='%' showValues= '0' showYAxisValues='0' ...>
 	<line startValue='80' color='009933' displayvalue='80%' /> 
 	<line startValue='85' color='009933' displayvalue='85%' /> 
 	<line startValue='90' color='009933' displayvalue='90%' /> 
 	<line startValue='95' color='009933' displayvalue='95%' /> 
 	<line startValue='100' color='009933' displayvalue='100%' /> 


Please find attached screen shot of the chart rendered with the above settings applied.


Hope this helps!


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Thanks for your kind response.


What I wanted was something more like this:



I want the chart to actually start at 70/80% so there would be more spaces between lines and so my real trending lines will be apparent.


Tell me if you understand what I mean.


Thanks a lot and have a nice day!







Welcome to the FusionCharts Forum :)


Thank you for the post.


Please set the attribute "showYAxisValues" to 0 and then define trendLines.


Ref. Code:

<chart numberSuffix='%' showValues= '0' showYAxisValues='0' ...>
 	<line startValue='80' color='009933' displayvalue='80%' /> 
 	<line startValue='85' color='009933' displayvalue='85%' /> 
 	<line startValue='90' color='009933' displayvalue='90%' /> 
 	<line startValue='95' color='009933' displayvalue='95%' /> 
 	<line startValue='100' color='009933' displayvalue='100%' /> 


Please find attached screen shot of the chart rendered with the above settings applied.


Hope this helps!

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Guest Bindhu



In that case, please define yAxisMinValue and set it to 70 or 80.


Also, please use the attribute 'showOnTop' and set it to 1, if you want the trend lines to be drawn on the data plots.


Please find attached screen shot of the chart rendered.


Hope this helps!


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