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Show Smart Labels On Pie Chart If Only One Set Available

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Is there a way to force a pie label to be off the chart if there is only one value for the chart?


Currently, if there is only one value for the pie, the label is rendered in the middle of the pie chart (see attached image). This means that if the segment colour is dark and the label is dark, the label is not legible.


I want to have the label coming off of the chart and shown on the side. Is this possible? Or is it possible to have FusionCharts smartly change the colour of the text so that the label becomes legible?




<chart use3DLighting="0" radius3D="0" showPercentageValues="1" pieYScale="80" startingAngle="360" plotGradientColor=" " numDivLines="9" divlinecolor="#FFFFFF" showplotBorder="0" outCnvbaseFontSize="10" outCnvbaseFont="Arial" baseFont="Arial" canvasBorderColor="#cccccc" canvasBorderThickness="1" legendShadow="0" legendBorderColor="#CCCCCC" showValues="0" yAxisName="Volume" decimals="2" shownames="1" showLabels="1" showLegend="0" showToolTipShadow="0" bgAlpha="0" formatNumberScale="0" formatNumber="1" numberPrefix="" showFCMenuItem="0" bgColor="FFFFFF" showBorder="0"> <set value="341.0" toolText="Section A, 341.0" label="Section A, 100%" color="6666CC"/> </chart>



Thanks in advance.


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Guest Sumedh



For single set element (single data), pie chart will always display the label/data inside the chart.

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