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Line Chart Plotting Issue

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I encounter an issue which Line Chart render differently in JavaScript chart and Flash chart.


Please see the attached image.


Is there a solution to make the LineChart render in Javascript look the same like the flash chart?

The main problem is when i have little data, the plot is still starting from the most left.

I want it to be render like the flash chart.


Have check with other chart like Column2D, StackedColumn2D, it will show the plot in the middle for javascript and flash chart.


Please help.

Thanks in advance.


Edited by xuen

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Please find attachment for the XML.

The XML use for both flash and javascript chart.


For JavascriptChart, the code is:

chart = the XML


lit_testing.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/MSLine.swf", "", chart, "line_testing", "470","350" , false, true);


For FlashChart, the code is:

chart = the XML

lit_testing.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/MSLine.swf", "", chart, "line_testing", "470","350" , false, true);







Can you paste your chart XML, so that we can test at our end.


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Guest Bindhu



Thank you for the XML data.


It is the intended behavior of JavaScript charts.


However, there is a work around.


You may try using the attached XML data file to suffice your requirement.


Please modify the value for "canvasPadding" depending on the chart width and height.


Please find attached screen shot of the chart rendered.


Hope this helps!



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The canvaspadding seem like not working, regardless what value i'm putting in, the plot is still starting from the most left side.


I found that if the data is more than 1 value, it will be in the middle but not with 1 data value.



Please help.






Thank you for the XML data.


It is the intended behavior of JavaScript charts.


However, there is a work around.


You may try using the attached XML data file to suffice your requirement.


Please modify the value for "canvasPadding" depending on the chart width and height.


Please find attached screen shot of the chart rendered.


Hope this helps!

Edited by xuen

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Guest Bindhu



Are you trying to use the "canvasPadding" attribute with only one set element or are you using the XML data that I shared earlier?


It should be fine if you use the XML data that I shared with you.


If this does not help, please let us know the version of FusionCharts suite that you are currently using, as seen in the FusionCharts.js file.


Also, if feasible, please share a live URL for further testing.


Hope this helps!

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Just found out your shared XML not just edit the canvaspadding but also added a empty category (<category label=' ' />) to have 2 plot datas.


It is quite troublesome to add a empty category because in a page, I have more than 10 line charts like this and if each from them I also need to have a same checking which is if the category return = 1, then to add a emprty category to make the plot show in the middle.


Do you have other work around or will this be fix in next release since flash chart can be show in the middle without any extra code.


The version I'm using is fusioncharts/3.2.3-sr1.5347.










Are you trying to use the "canvasPadding" attribute with only one set element or are you using the XML data that I shared earlier?


It should be fine if you use the XML data that I shared with you.


If this does not help, please let us know the version of FusionCharts suite that you are currently using, as seen in the FusionCharts.js file.


Also, if feasible, please share a live URL for further testing.


Hope this helps!

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Guest Bindhu



It was just a work around.


Like I mentioned in my earlier post, it is an intended behavior of JavaScript charts.


For now, there are no known work-arounds, except this one.


I have added your request to our wish list.


It will be implemented, if feasible.


Hope this helps!

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Thanks for your reply.





It was just a work around.


Like I mentioned in my earlier post, it is an intended behavior of JavaScript charts.


For now, there are no known work-arounds, except this one.


I have added your request to our wish list.


It will be implemented, if feasible.


Hope this helps!

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