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Stacked Bar - Extra Image At The Legend

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I have an issue to show the Stacked Bar Chart correctly.


Please see the attached image, Red marker is the extra 'thing' that appear.


XML have been attached also.



I would like the height of the chart to be dynamic, so i have calculate the height by the number of row return in the datatable.

DataTable dt = data table return from back end

int rowCount = dt.Rows.Count;

int height = (rowCount * 20) + 50;



div_testing.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/StackedBar2D.swf", "", chart, "bar_testing", "450", height.ToString(), false, false);



The "50" is for the height of the legend.



Please help.

Thanks in advance.


StackedBar - Extra Image.txt

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Guest Sumedh



We are not able to replicate the same issue.


Stacked Bar 2D chart is rendering fine at our end.


Please find attached screen-shot for your reference.


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Have you use the code to dynamic calculate the height?

Your attached image is not same with mine. Yours 2 bar is far from each other which i suspect you have put a different height value.


If you use the same logic, the 2 bars should be more close to each other:


int rowCount = dt.Rows.Count;

int height = (rowCount * 20) + 50;



div_testing.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/StackedBar2D.swf", "", chart, "bar_testing", "450", height.ToString(), false, false);



This only happen to data then render less than 3 bars. More than 3 bars, it look perfect.



Please help.






We are not able to replicate the same issue.


Stacked Bar 2D chart is rendering fine at our end.


Please find attached screen-shot for your reference.

Edited by xuen

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Guest Sumedh



Can you paste your sample code here? It would be helpful to replicate the same at our end.

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I have include in the first post.

StackedBar - Extra Image.txt


Please check the attachment from first post.


Extra info:

For FIreFox v13.0, the UI is more worst, the legend can't view in full (please see the attachment).







Can you paste your sample code here? It would be helpful to replicate the same at our end.


Edited by xuen

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Guest Sumedh



We need the sample code to replicate the issue at our end.


Please send us the sample code.

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The sample code is just simple as the first post.


I can't provide you the whole aspx page, i can only provide you the code which the chart have this issue.


Front end:

<fieldset id="fsTesting" runat="server">

<legend>Testing Stacked Bar Chart</legend>


<asp:literal id="div_testing" runat="server"></asp:literal>





DataTable dt = DataTable that return from database

string chart = XML that have been attached in first post

rowCount = dt.Rows.Count;

height = (rowCount * 20) + 50;



div_testing.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/StackedBar2D.swf", "", chart, "bar_testing", "450", height.ToString(), false, false);



That's all my code to render the chart.

- I get the row count to dynamically set the height of the chart.

- rowCount * 20 to have each bar same height

- the 50 is for the legend height


Issue facing:

If row count less than 3 rows, it will have the addtional "bar" highlighted in the first post's attached image. If the rowcount is greater than 3, the UI look fine.







We need the sample code to replicate the issue at our end.


Please send us the sample code.

Edited by xuen

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Guest Sumedh



We are glad to inform you that, recently we have released advanced version of FusionCharts XT i.e., FusionCharts XT v3.2 Service Release 4.


Being a service release version, it has many bug fixes and improvements.


You can get the trial version from here:


Please try to render chart using the latest version.


If this doesn't help, please feel free to revert.

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