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So I am trying to enable the exporting feature. It allows me to download it as a jpeg or png. I want to get it to do pdf also and I don't think it is supposed to look like this.<_<Any ideas?

This is my code

"<chart caption = Export Test' PYAxisName ='MSP' SYAxisName = 'MDN' showYAxisValues='0' rotatelabels='0' showToolTip='1' showNames='1' showlabels='1' exportEnabled='1' exportShowMenuItem='1' exportFormats='PDF' exportType='PNG=Export as High Quality Image;JPG;PDF=Export as PDF File' exportatclient='1' ExportFileName='TestFile'>


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Can you please paste your sample code here?


<%@ Language=VBScript %>
  <!-- #INCLUDE file="FusionCharts.asp" -->
  <!-- #INCLUDE file="DBConn2.asp" -->
  <!-- #INCLUDE file="header2.asp" -->
  <!-- #INCLUDE file="hours.asp" -->

   	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

   	<link href="../assets/ui/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
   	<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>

		<style type="text/css">

       	body,html,head,div{height:100%; min-height:100%;width:100%; }
	<script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>

<body bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>
<table id="PgHead" width="98%" align="center" style="margin-bottom:7px;border-bottom:1px solid #AFAFA4; bgcolor:#000000">
<td width="20%" align="left" style="color:#475B8F;font-family:'Arial Rounded MT Bold',arial;font-size:14pt;"></td>
<td class="NoPrint" width="45%" align="right" style="color:#4D4D5F;font-family:arial;font-size:14pt;">
<a href="../ListRecord.asp?theFormID=96">Back</a>

<div id="MainContainer">
<table class="grid1" width="100%">

<td style="height= 350%; background-color:#F6F5E6;vertical-align:top;" align="center">
<div id="chartdiv1" align="center"></div> 


Dim subjectCode,subjectID,treatmentCode,baseline,count, motherID,x
Dim FC,strQuery,strCategory, strValueMax, strValueMin,strValueTreat,upper, lower
Dim maxFirstNum,maxSecondNum,minFirstNum,minSecondNum,fQuarter,sQuarter,tQuarter,increment

subjectCode = Request.QueryString("subjectCode")

Response.Write("Subject Code: " & subjectCode & "<br />")
Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")	
Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oConn.Open strConnQuery

strQuery="Select z.ID as totOutput, d.zTreatmentCode as totOutput2 from vSubjectDemographics d, zSubject z where z.zsubjectCode = d.zSubjectCode AND z.zSubjectCode = "&subjectCode&" "'get treatment and subjectID
Set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery)
if oRS.EOF OR oRs.BOF then 
%><h2>I am sorry but there is no record for that subject</h2>
subjectid = oRs("totOutput")
treatmentCode = oRs("totOutput2")

if treatmentCode=1 then 'figure out upper/lower bound of BP from treatment
end if

strQuery="Select  ID as mother from F05 where zsubjectID = "&subjectID&" "  
set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery)
if oRS.EOF OR oRs.BOF then 

	for q = 0 to 10
	<h2>I am sorry but there is no data for that subject</h2>
	for q = 0 to 20
motherID = oRs("mother")

strQuery= "Select count(ID) as totOutput from F05C where MotherRecID = "&motherID&" "'get number of hours assessed 
set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery)
count = oRs("totOutput")

'exportFormats='PDF=Export as PDF|JPG=Export as JPG'

strCategory = "<chart caption = 'Blood Pressure with Treatment' PYAxisName ='Minimum Systikuc Blood Pressure (mmHg)' SYAxisName = 'Maximum Dose of Nicardiphine (mg/hr)' showYAxisValues='0' rotatelabels='0' showToolTip='1' showNames='1' showlabels='1' exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='1' exportHandler='fcExporter1' > <categories> <category label = 'Base' />"
strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(0)&"' showlabels='1' />"
strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(1)&"' showlabels='1'/>"
strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(2)&"' showlabels='1'/>"
strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(3)&"' /> <vLine color='FF5904' Label='First Hour' />"

strValueMax = "<dataset seriesName = 'Max SBP' parentYAxis = 'P' renderAs='Line' showValues='0'  > <set value = '0'  />"
strValueMin = "<dataset seriesName = 'Min SBP' parentYAxis = 'P' renderAs='Line' showValues='0' > <set value = '0'  />"
strValueTreat = "<dataset seriesName = 'NICARDIPINE' parentYAxis = 'S' renderAs='Line' dashed='1'> <set value = '0'  />"


while x < count 
if x > 3 then
   	strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '' />"
   	strCategory = strCategory + "<category label=' ' />"
   	strCategory = strCategory + "<category label=''/>"
   	strCategory = strCategory + "<category label='"&hours(x)& "' />"

end if
if min=max Then
end if

strQuery= "Select QB as Max, QC as Min, QG as Treatment fromF05C where OrderNb = "&x+1&" AND MotherRecID = "&motherID&" " ' get max,min,treatment
set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery)

min = oRs("Min")
max = oRs("Max")
if x>3 then
   	strValueMin = strValueMin + "<set value = '"&fQuarter&"' anchorRadius='0' tooltext=' '/>"
   	strValueMin = strValueMin + "<set value = '"&sQuarter&"' anchorRadius='0' tooltext=' '/>"
   	strValueMin = strValueMin + "<set value = '"&tQuarter&"' anchorRadius='0' tooltext=' '/>"
   	strValueMax = strValueMax + "<set value = '"&fQuarter&"' anchorRadius='0' toolText=' '/>"
   	strValueMax = strValueMax + "<set value = '"&sQuarter&"' anchorRadius='0' toolText=' '/>"
   	strValueMax = strValueMax + "<set value = '"&tQuarter&"' anchorRadius='0' toolText=' '/>"
   	strValuetreat = strValuetreat + "<set value = '"&fQuarter&"' showvalue='0' anchorRadius='0' toolText=' '/>"
   	strValuetreat = strValuetreat + "<set value = '"&sQuarter&"' showvalue='0' anchorRadius='0' toolText=' '/>"
   	strValuetreat = strValuetreat + "<set value = '"&tQuarter&"' showvalue='0' anchorRadius='0' toolText=' '/>"
  end if   		

strValueMin = strValueMin + "<set value = '"&oRs("Min")&"'  toolText='Min SBP, Hour:"&hours(x)&"'/>"
strValueMax = strValueMax + "<set value = '"&oRs("Max")&"'  toolText='Max SBP, Hour:"&hours(x)&"' />"
strValueTreat = strValueTreat + "<set value = '"&oRs("Treatment")&"' toolText='Hour:"&hours(x)&"' />"

strCategory = strCategory + "</categories>"
strValueMax = strValueMax + "</dataset>"
strValueMin = strValueMin + "</dataset>"
strValueTreat = strValueTreat + "</dataset> <trendLines> <line startvalue= '"&upper&"' color = '' displayvalue='Upper SBP Bound'/> <line startvalue= '"&lower&"' color = '' displayvalue='Lower SBP Bound'/> </trendLines></chart>"

Set oRs = Nothing
strCategory = strCategory + strValueMax + strValueMin + strValueTreat 
Call FC_SetRenderer("javascript")
Call renderChart("MSCombiDY2D.swf","", strCategory,"BloodPressure",1300,650,"1","1")

end if
end if
<%call PageFooter()%>

Edited by Neverguesswho

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Guest Sumedh



Before you start, you need to follow these steps:


> Copy FusionChartsExportComponent.js from Download Package > Charts folder to your server. A good location is where you have placed FusionCharts.js

> Copy FCExporter.swf from Download Package > Charts to your server. A good location is where you have placed the other chart SWF files.

> Include an instance of Exporter Component in your web page.

> Configure the chart (XML) to use this instance of export component.


You would have to create a separate div for rendering the FusionCharts Export Component. In this div, you would need to create the instance of FusionChartsExportObject as follows,


Ref. Code:


<div id="fcexpDiv" align="center">FusionCharts Export Handler Component</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
   var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject("fcExporter1", "FCExporter.swf");


Then add the necessary attributes for client side export in the XML:


Ref. Code:

<chart caption='Monthly Unit Sales' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units'  showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' showBorder='0' unescapeLinks='0' exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='1' exportFormats='PDF' exportHandler='fcExporter1'>


For more information, please refer this URL: http://docs.fusionch...ientSimple.html


Also, find attached illustration for your reference.

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Before you start, you need to follow these steps:


> Copy FusionChartsExportComponent.js from Download Package > Charts folder to your server. A good location is where you have placed FusionCharts.js

> Copy FCExporter.swf from Download Package > Charts to your server. A good location is where you have placed the other chart SWF files.

> Include an instance of Exporter Component in your web page.

> Configure the chart (XML) to use this instance of export component.


You would have to create a separate div for rendering the FusionCharts Export Component. In this div, you would need to create the instance of FusionChartsExportObject as follows,


Ref. Code:


<div id="fcexpDiv" align="center">FusionCharts Export Handler Component</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
   var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject("fcExporter1", "FCExporter.swf");


Then add the necessary attributes for client side export in the XML:


Ref. Code:

<chart caption='Monthly Unit Sales' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units'  showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' showBorder='0' unescapeLinks='0' exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='1' exportFormats='PDF' exportHandler='fcExporter1'>


For more information, please refer this URL: http://docs.fusionch...ientSimple.html


Also, find attached illustration for your reference.


I followed your directions and I still got the messed up message.... So I decided to try to create a new page with the exact same ASP and it works!!! I am guessing it was something with my html that was messed up. Also I was able to get it working on another chart just by enabling the export under <chart> and I didn't even include the exportjs or swf(just thought i'd mention that). Anyways thanks again for the help!!!!!!:lol:

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I have another question. I had to change the rendering type from javascript to flash and now when I try to export/save I right click and select the format. It does its little loading animation then nothing happens. If I render it in javascript then the export works fine.. So my code is the exact same minus changing the SETRenderer(). Any ideas?

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Guest Sumedh



Did you include the Chart .swf file as well as FCExporter.swf in your project folder?

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