
Coloring Counties On State Maps

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So I am wanting to Show the Map of US By State Like this




Then have the user be able to click On say Georgia and then see the Data mapped out by County (as in Each county shaded depending on data )


But what I can't see in the samples is how to color the Counties. I really want to see an example before I by the Maps add-in


Like this ... but colored!MapStateGeorgia.jpg

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Guest Sumedh



If you are willing to apply color to map entities you can use fillColor attribute. This attribute is affected on map when no color-range is applied.


And if you are willing to apply color-range, then you can use colorRange attribute.


The <colorRange> element within the <map> element helps to distinguish various entities based on their data. Essentially, the <colorRange> element is used to contain the various range definitions.


Ref. Code:


       <color minValue="0" maxValue="500" displayValue="Sparsely Populated" color="008200" />
       <color minValue="500" maxValue="1000" displayValue="Well Populated" color="FFCC33" />
       <color minValue="1000" maxValue="5000" displayValue="Densely Populated" color="B80000" />



For more information, please refer this URL:

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If you are willing to apply color to map entities you can use fillColor attribute. This attribute is affected on map when no color-range is applied.


And if you are willing to apply color-range, then you can use colorRange attribute.


The <colorRange> element within the <map> element helps to distinguish various entities based on their data. Essentially, the <colorRange> element is used to contain the various range definitions.


Ref. Code:


       <color minValue="0" maxValue="500" displayValue="Sparsely Populated" color="008200" />
       <color minValue="500" maxValue="1000" displayValue="Well Populated" color="FFCC33" />
       <color minValue="1000" maxValue="5000" displayValue="Densely Populated" color="B80000" />



For more information, please refer this URL: http://docs.fusionch...ormats/XML.html


Thanks for the reply, And that covers one part but... Where to you define vales to the individual Counties?


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Guest Sumedh



For defining values to individual entities, you would have to specify value attribute inside the entity element.


Ref. Code:

<map ... >
	<entity id='001' value='58'  />
	<entity id='003' value='72' />


You can get the Map Entity Id's for Georgia Map here:


Hope this helps!

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