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Trendzone Value Align

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Pretty simple question. I am using a line chart with color coded trend zones. Currently, the min-values are always displayed centered between the trend zones on the y-axis. I was wanting to see if they could be bottom aligned instead of centered.


In the attached example, it would be as the 0 aligned at the bottom of the y-axis, the 2 at the line between the green and yellow zone, and the 5 at the line between the yellow and red.


Is this possible? I haven't been able to find a setting to configure this one.


Thank you!


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Guest Sumedh



Aligning the trendZone value at the bottom is not possible.


However, you can change its position to the right using valueOnRight attribute.


Ref. code:



<line startValue='700000' endValue='810000' isTrendZone='1' color='009933' displayvalue='Target' valueOnRight='1' />



Also, find attached screen-shot for your reference.


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