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Can We Show Label Inside The Task Bar In Bullet Chart?

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I'm new to FusionWIdgets.I want to show label inside the task bar in Bullet Chart,or hide it.Can there have someway to do it?

Edited by luoqun

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Guest Sumedh



Can you please elaborate a bit more on your requirement?


Can you please attach a screen-shot of the same, here?

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  On 9/12/2012 at 10:26 AM, Sumedh said:



Can you please elaborate a bit more on your requirement?post-29737-0-45364800-1347497888_thumb.png

Can you please attach a screen-shot of the same, here?


Hello!simply like this,hide the label or make it inside the column bar.sorry,my english is so poor.

Edited by luoqun

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Guest Bindhu



Please set the attribute 'showValue' to 0 in order to hide it.


Ref. Code:

<chart showValue='0' ...>


Hope this helps!

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  On 9/13/2012 at 6:14 AM, Bindhu said:



Please set the attribute 'showValue' to 0 in order to hide it.


Ref. Code:

<chart showValue='0' ...>


Hope this helps!


Thank you!But it is not work.

my code,as follows:


var mybulletChart:FusionWidgets = new FusionWidgets();

mybulletChart.FCChartType = "HBullet";

mybulletChart.FCDataXML = "<chart palette='4' showValue='0' showBorder='0' numberSuffix='%'" +

" upperLimit='100' caption='tax'>"


+"<color minValue='0' maxValue='100' />"


+" <value>47</value>"


mybulletChart.width = 360;

mybulletChart.height = 50;


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Guest Bindhu



I am afraid, with showValue set to 0 the '47%' data value is not seen.


Can you please share the sample image?

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  On 9/13/2012 at 10:30 AM, Bindhu said:



I am afraid, with showValue set to 0 the '47%' data value is not seen.


Can you please share the sample image?



Thank you all the same, there is not the sample image.It is just my requirement.

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