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How To Update Chart Data After Created

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I use setJSONData(ret) to refresh chart data from time to time. It works, but the refresh style isn't what I want. It seems like that the whole chart reload again. What I want is just the columns reload(for column chart),not including the canvas. What should I do? Hope for helps, Thanks in advance.


BTW, I am using Flash FusionCharts.

Edited by Damon

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Guest Sumedh



For this, you can use Data Streaming Charts (Real-time charts) from FusionWidgets XT pack.


Data streaming charts are the real-time charts which automatically update themselves every n seconds, by getting new data from the server without any page refreshes.


For more information, please refer the following URL's:


Hope this helps!

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Thanks for your help.


But for now we only use FusionCharts XT in our project and it is difficult for us to repalce it with FusionWidgets XT, becauseFusionCharts XT is used everywhere.


So is there any way that I can do to implement such functionality by using FusionCharts XT?


Thanks very much.




For this, you can use Data Streaming Charts (Real-time charts) from FusionWidgets XT pack.


Data streaming charts are the real-time charts which automatically update themselves every n seconds, by getting new data from the server without any page refreshes.


For more information, please refer the following URL's:







Hope this helps!

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Guest Sumedh



This functionality is not available with FusionCharts XT.


You would have to use FusionWidgets XT for Real-time charts.

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