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Adding Datastamp To Real Time Chart Doesn't Update In Groovy/grails

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I am working on a prototype in Grails environment and have been struggling to make Real-time chart updates work with Data stamp.

My front-end gsp(similar to jsp) calls the server layer on load to get the XML (attached here). In controller I am making a call to DB procedure which returns the data. Thereafter, front end pulls the data periodically.


I enabled the JS debugging and can see the traces in Firebug until the initial chart plotting. Thereafter I don't see any server calls in Firebug. However, to my surprise I can see calls coming to server.Here is the sample of refresh data that I am building.&label=18.21.37,18.21.42,18.21.47,18.21.52|value=378,657,289,478&dataStamp=18.21.52Without dataStamp, the chart gets updated as expected with periodic refresh calls that are visible in Firebug. The moment I add dataStamp, it stops updating the chart. Looking at this post, I even replaced colon in timestamp to '.' and '/' with no success.


On a different note, even though enabling slantLabels='1' the labels show up in straight lines.


Any quick help is appreciated.






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Hi Raghu,


  On 10/19/2012 at 10:33 PM, veeruk said:



I am working on a prototype in Grails environment and have been struggling to make Real-time chart updates work with Data stamp.

My front-end gsp(similar to jsp) calls the server layer on load to get the XML (attached here). In controller I am making a call to DB procedure which returns the data. Thereafter, front end pulls the data periodically.


I enabled the JS debugging and can see the traces in Firebug until the initial chart plotting. Thereafter I don't see any server calls in Firebug. However, to my surprise I can see calls coming to server.Here is the sample of refresh data that I am building.&label=18.21.37,18.21.42,18.21.47,18.21.52|value=378,657,289,478&dataStamp=18.21.52Without dataStamp, the chart gets updated as expected with periodic refresh calls that are visible in Firebug. The moment I add dataStamp, it stops updating the chart. Looking at this post, I even replaced colon in timestamp to '.' and '/' with no success.http://forum.fusionc...ch__1#entry9614


On a different note, even though enabling slantLabels='1' the labels show up in straight lines.


Any quick help is appreciated.





We sincerely apologize for the delay. :(


We are looking into this and shall get back to you at the earliest.


Thank you for your continued patience and support.



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Hi Raghu,


There was an issue with passing some special characters through dateStamp in Flash charts that we have fixed in the latest release of FusionWidgets (XT 3.2 Service Release 2 - 1 Nov 2012).


Can you please update to the latest version and try again?

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