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How To Put Alt Tags On Charts

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We use Fusioncharts on our website. Now when a users cursor is on the lines in the chart, it shows the values, but is there a way to have a alt tag, like we have in our normal image <img src"" alt=""> when his mouse is not pointing to a datapoint.

Hope, am able to share my requirements. Looking towards a solution.



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Guest Sashibhusan



I am afraid, FusionCharts do not have "alt" attribute as we have in our normal image <img src"" alt="">.


Please note that the "alt" attribute is generally used in <img> tag to explain about the image, if the image is only used for decoration.


So, in the similar fashion, if you would like to show some more information about the line plot as tooltip, you can provide the custom text in the "toolText" attribute of the <set> element of your chart XML data.


In case if, this is what is not your exact requirement, could you please elaborate a bit more on "but is there a way to have a alt tag, like we have in our normal image <img src"" alt=""> when his mouse is not pointing to a datapoint."?


Awaiting your response!


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