Aleksey Report post Posted November 1, 2012 You have error in the following code .................................. var p = { position: "absolute", top: "-9999em", whiteSpace: "nowrap" }, g = 0, S = /\b_SmartLabel\b/, ua = /\b_SmartLabelBR\b/, o = /(\<[^\<\>]+?\>)|(&(?:[a-z]+|#[0-9]+);|.)/ig, C = RegExp("<span[^>]+?_SmartLabel[^>]+?>(.*?)</span>", "ig"), P = /<[^>][^<]*[^>]+>/i, D = 0, q = 0, y = 0, t = 0, I = 0, na, F, B; document.getElementsByClassName ? (na = "getElementsByClassName", F = "_SmartLabel", B = !0) : (na = "getElementsByTagName", F = "span", B = !1); s.prototype = { dispose: function () { var a = this.container, c; if (this.init) { if (a && (c = a.parentNode)) c.removeChild(a), delete this.container; delete; delete; delete this.parentContainer; delete this.showNoEllipses } }, useEllipsesOnOverflow: function (a) { if (this.init) this.showNoEllipses = !a }, getSmartText: function (c, s, z, p) { if (!this.init) return !1; n(c) === void 0 && (c = ""); if (!this.container) this.container = a(this.parentContainer), this.setStyle(); var X = { text: c, maxWidth: s, maxHeight: z, width: null, height: null, oriTextWidth: null, oriTextHeight: null, oriText: c, isTruncated: !1 }, y = !1, I, fa, K, U, Q = -1, Cb = -1, W = -1, L = this.container, T = [], ba = this.showNoEllipses ? "" : "...", e = function (e) { for (var e = e.replace(/^\s\s*/, ""), a = /\s/, m = e.length; a.test(e.charAt(m -= 1)); return e.slice(0, m + 1) }; if (L) { L.innerHTML = c; X.oriTextWidth = K = L.offsetWidth; X.oriTextHeight = y = L.offsetHeight; if (y <= z && K <= s) return X.width = X.oriTextWidth = K, X.height = X.oriTextHeight = y, X; if (D > z) return X.text = "", X.width = X.oriTextWidth = 0, X.height = X.oriTextHeight = 0, X; c = e(c).replace(/(\s+)/g, " "); y = P.test(c); i = 0; K = this.showNoEllipses ? s : s - g; ................... You are using i = 0 without var. So i become a global variable. I have errors in my projects because of this. You just need to use the following code to fix it: ........................... D = 0, q = 0, y = 0, t = 0, I = 0, i = 0, na, F, B; .................. Regards, Aleksey. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sanjukta Report post Posted November 1, 2012 Hi, You have error in the following code .................................. var p = { position: "absolute", top: "-9999em", whiteSpace: "nowrap" }, g = 0, S = /\b_SmartLabel\b/, ua = /\b_SmartLabelBR\b/, o = /(\<[^\<\>]+?\>)|(&(?:[a-z]+|#[0-9]+);|.)/ig, C = RegExp("<span[^>]+?_SmartLabel[^>]+?>(.*?)</span>", "ig"), P = /<[^>][^<]*[^>]+>/i, D = 0, q = 0, y = 0, t = 0, I = 0, na, F, B; document.getElementsByClassName ? (na = "getElementsByClassName", F = "_SmartLabel", B = !0) : (na = "getElementsByTagName", F = "span", B = !1); s.prototype = { dispose: function () { var a = this.container, c; if (this.init) { if (a && (c = a.parentNode)) c.removeChild(a), delete this.container; delete; delete; delete this.parentContainer; delete this.showNoEllipses } }, useEllipsesOnOverflow: function (a) { if (this.init) this.showNoEllipses = !a }, getSmartText: function (c, s, z, p) { if (!this.init) return !1; n(c) === void 0 && (c = ""); if (!this.container) this.container = a(this.parentContainer), this.setStyle(); var X = { text: c, maxWidth: s, maxHeight: z, width: null, height: null, oriTextWidth: null, oriTextHeight: null, oriText: c, isTruncated: !1 }, y = !1, I, fa, K, U, Q = -1, Cb = -1, W = -1, L = this.container, T = [], ba = this.showNoEllipses ? "" : "...", e = function (e) { for (var e = e.replace(/^\s\s*/, ""), a = /\s/, m = e.length; a.test(e.charAt(m -= 1)); return e.slice(0, m + 1) }; if (L) { L.innerHTML = c; X.oriTextWidth = K = L.offsetWidth; X.oriTextHeight = y = L.offsetHeight; if (y <= z && K <= s) return X.width = X.oriTextWidth = K, X.height = X.oriTextHeight = y, X; if (D > z) return X.text = "", X.width = X.oriTextWidth = 0, X.height = X.oriTextHeight = 0, X; c = e(c).replace(/(\s+)/g, " "); y = P.test(c); i = 0; K = this.showNoEllipses ? s : s - g; ................... You are using i = 0 without var. So i become a global variable. I have errors in my projects because of this. You just need to use the following code to fix it: ........................... D = 0, q = 0, y = 0, t = 0, I = 0, i = 0, na, F, B; .................. Regards, Aleksey. Thanks for the suggestion. We have made a note of the same and shall update our Development team on this. Thank you for your continued patience and support. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites