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Hyperlink In Caption Not Working....

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I am doing the same thing with al my charts and it works fine, but for this chart I seem to get a mouseover on the caption and the captin hyperlink does not work????



here is the chart data:



//Funds Expended Chart //


var fundExpPlanned = [];

var fundExpActual = [];

var fundExpVariance = [];

<c:forEach var="fundExpBean" items="${fundExpBeans}" varStatus="loopCount">

fundExpPlanned.push({ "value": <tld-msst:fc-value var="${fundExpBean.plannedCost}"/> });

fundExpActual.push({ "value": <tld-msst:fc-value var="${fundExpBean.actualCost}"/> });

fundExpVariance.push({ "value": <tld-msst:fc-value var="${fundExpBean.costVariance}"/> });



var costCategories = { category: [] };

<c:forEach var="fundExpBean" items="${fundExpBeans}">

costCategories.category.push({"label": "${fundExpBean.costCategory}"});





"chart": {

"caption": "<a href='show.mgmtview_funding?view=EXPENDED'>Funds Expended</a>",

"palette": "1",


"formatnumberscale": "0",


"numdivlines": "9",

"bgcolor": "eeeecc",

"canvasBgColor": "030304",

"toolTipBgColor": "322B2B",

"baseFontColor": "ffffff",

"legendBgColor": "eeeecc",

"legendBorderColor": "eeeecc",

"outCnvBaseFontColor": "38383F",







"categories": [costCategories],


"dataset": [{

"seriesname": "Planned Cost",

"color": "2D2DD6,FFFFFF,666666",

"plotbordercolor": "688DE5",

"renderas": "column",

"data": fundExpPlanned

}, {

"seriesname": "Actual Cost",

"color": "ff3333,FFFFFF,666666",

"plotbordercolor": "E16774",

"renderas": "column",

"data": fundExpActual

}, {

"seriesname": "Variance",

"color": "33FF33,FFFFFF,666666",

"plotbordercolor": "E16774",

"renderas": "column",

"data": fundExpVariance


"styles": {

"definition": [


"name": "MyFirstFontStyle",

"type": "font",

"font": "Arial",

"size": "16",

"ishtml": "1",

"color": "0000FF",

"bold": "1",

"underline": "1"



"application": [


"toobject": "Caption",

"styles": "MyFirstFontStyle"





Edited by mimsc

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Guest Sumedh



A warm welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


For creating hyperlink on caption, you would need to use following attribute configuration:


You would need to add "isHTML" attribute as "1" in the definition element.


Ref. Code:


 "chart": {
   "caption": "<a href=''>Funds Expended </a>",
   "xaxisname": "Month",
   "yaxisname": "Revenue",
   "numberprefix": "$",
   "showvalues": "0"

"styles": {
   "definition": [
       "name": "MyFirstFontStyle",
       "type": "font",
       "font": "Verdana",
       "size": "12",
       "color": "FF0000",
       "bold": "1",
       "ishtml": "1"
   "application": [
       "toobject": "Caption",
       "styles": "MyFirstFontStyle,MyFirstShadow"


Please find attached illustration for your reference.


Hope this helps!

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Did you read my post??...I have the "isHtml" flag set....I think the problem is my caption text is too long





A warm welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


For creating hyperlink on caption, you would need to use following attribute configuration:


You would need to add "isHTML" attribute as "1" in the definition element.


Ref. Code:


 "chart": {
   "caption": "<a href=''>Funds Expended </a>",
   "xaxisname": "Month",
   "yaxisname": "Revenue",
   "numberprefix": "$",
   "showvalues": "0"

"styles": {
   "definition": [
       "name": "MyFirstFontStyle",
       "type": "font",
       "font": "Verdana",
       "size": "12",
       "color": "FF0000",
       "bold": "1",
       "ishtml": "1"
   "application": [
       "toobject": "Caption",
       "styles": "MyFirstFontStyle,MyFirstShadow"


Please find attached illustration for your reference.


Hope this helps!

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Guest Sumedh



Apologies for the miscommunication.


But this is is working fine with long text caption at our end.


Please find attached screen-shot and modified JSON for your reference.


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