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Problem With Trendlines Using Javascript Rendering

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We recently upgraded from FusionCharts 3 to XT. I am currently working on support for javascript rendering of our charts and came across the following problem when using trendlines in combination with javascript rendering:


I have the decimal separator set to a comma. When displaying a trendline with decimal data separated by a comma, the trendline is show correctly with Flash rendering. However, it is not shown correctly usinng javascript rendering. Instead, the trendline is displayed at the bottom of the chart (see attached screenshot).


When I manually change the decimal separator from a comma to a dot, the trendline is displayed correctly using javascript rendering, but no trendline is shown using Flash rendering. I am looking for a solution that displays the trendline correctly in both render modes.



<?xml version="1.0"?> <chart imageSave="1" exportEnabled="1" exportShowMenuItem="0" exportAtClient="1" exportHandler="fcExporter1" exportDialogMessage="Data exporteren " exportFileName="CockpitGrafiek" palette="4" bgColor="ffffff" bgAlpha="100" showBorder="0" canvasBgColor="ececec,ffffff" canvasBgAlpha="100,50" canvasBgRatio="0,100" canvasBgAngle="270" canvasBaseDepth="8" canvasBgDepth="2" caption="Test calc parameter" xAxisName="iets" yAxisName="calc waarde" baseFont="Verdana" baseFontSize="10" baseFontColor="4a4a4a" showValues="0" divLineColor="ffffff" divLineThickness="1" divLineAlpha="50" labelDisplay="Rotate" slantLabels="1" setAdaptiveYMin="1" decimalSeparator="," thousandSeparator="." inThousandSeparator="." inDecimalSeparator="," formatNumberScale="0"> <set name="1" value="8,416799932665601" color="0aa94c"/><set name="2" value="29,895366218236173" color="1a9fda"/><set name="3" value="99,00990099009901" color="eb2728"/><set name="4" value="138,4228187919463" color="fbed24"/><set name="5" value="5,034993202759177" color="c97f7c"/><styles><definition><style name="captionStyle" type="font" font="Verdana" size="10"/></definition><application><apply toObject="caption" styles="captionStyle"/></application></styles><trendlines><line valueOnRight="1" startValue="100" displayValue="100" color="eb2728"/><line valueOnRight="1" startValue="40" displayValue="minimum" color="0aa94c"/><line valueOnRight="1" startValue="55,8" displayValue="gemiddelde" color="1a9fda"/></trendlines></chart>


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I realize that I probably should have posted this in the "bug reports" sub forum. Can a moderator please move my topic there?

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Guest Bindhu



We have identified the bug and our developers are working on it.


I will keep this thread updated with any further developments on the same.


Hope this helps!

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