
Different Colors For The Line And Points In Scatter Chart

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is it possible to have a specific color for the line and different colors for the points in a scatter line graph???


for eg. consider a red line with the points marked in random colors like blue, black etc...



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  On 12/14/2012 at 7:59 AM, kc! said:



is it possible to have a specific color for the line and different colors for the points in a scatter line graph???


for eg. consider a red line with the points marked in random colors like blue, black etc...




Please note that you can provide only one color fcor a single <dataset> element which the line would display when "darwLine" is set to '1'.


However, you can provide a different color to all the anchors setting their background and border color. This color would be applied globally on all the anchors in that <dataset> element. Each anchor cannot be colored individually.


<dataset ... color='0000FF'drawLine='1' anchorBgColor='FF0000' anchorBorderColor='FF0000'>


Hope this helps. :)

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Thank you! Thats what i thought as well after reffering the xml schema... I dont know if anyone else has had this requirement before. But it would be a nice feature addition to the fusioncharts if along with the x and y coordinates the set takes a color as well... Hope someone looks into that as well.


thanks again




  On 12/15/2012 at 6:44 AM, Sanjukta said:





Please note that you can provide only one color fcor a single <dataset> element which the line would display when "darwLine" is set to '1'.


However, you can provide a different color to all the anchors setting their background and border color. This color would be applied globally on all the anchors in that <dataset> element. Each anchor cannot be colored individually.


<dataset ... color='0000FF'drawLine='1' anchorBgColor='FF0000' anchorBorderColor='FF0000'>


Hope this helps. :)

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Guest Bindhu



Sure, we will add your request to our wish list and would be implemented, if found feasible.


Hope this helps!

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Thank you!


  On 12/18/2012 at 6:05 AM, Bindhu said:



Sure, we will add your request to our wish list and would be implemented, if found feasible.


Hope this helps!

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