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Javascript Error On Missing Data

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Wow, so this couldn't be more simple of an example, yet Fusioncharts barfs.


I'm doing a chart of type: StackedColumn2D


With data: { "chart": {"showlegend": "1", "bgColor": "FFFFFF", "showborder": "0", "borderColorXXX": "343434", "showlabels": "1", "showvalues": "1", "showsum": "1", "decimals": "0", "legendborderalpha": "0", "palette": "2" , "ed": "rules", "yaxisname": "(Number of Calls)"}, "categories": [{"category": [{"value": "1353196800000"}, {"value": "1353283200000"}, {"value": "1353369600000"}, {"value": "1353456000000"}, {"value": "1353542400000"}, {"value": "1353628800000"}, {"value": "1353715200000"}, {"value": "1353801600000"}, {"value": "1353888000000"}, {"value": "1353974400000"}, {"value": "1354060800000"}, {"value": "1354147200000"}, {"value": "1354233600000"}, {"value": "1354320000000"}, {"value": "1354406400000"}, {"value": "1354492800000"}, {"value": "1354579200000"}, {"value": "1354665600000"}, {"value": "1354752000000"}, {"value": "1354838400000"}, {"value": "1354924800000"}, {"value": "1355011200000"}, {"value": "1355097600000"}, {"value": "1355184000000"}, {"value": "1355270400000"}, {"value": "1355356800000"}, {"value": "1355443200000"}, {"value": "1355529600000"}, {"value": "1355616000000"}, {"value": "1355702400000"}, {"value": "1355788800000"}]}], "dataset": [{"seriesname": "Bad Calls", "color": "#FF0000", "showvalues": "0", "data": [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}]}, {"seriesname": "Good Calls", "color": "#00FF00", "showvalues": "0", "data": [{}, {}, {}, {"value": "2"}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {"value": "2"}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}]}] }


I get this error: TypeError:z is undefined on line 501 in FusionChartsHC.js


If I put "value": "1" into the empty {} then it works.


It seems to me this should be working, not that Fusioncharts has any current examples. Why XML would be listed as the default everywhere is stupid. Also, it seems like I could write the structure with "set" tags but from the link below it seems this should work

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As you are using StackedColumn2D, so you have to start the series for fist series,

and first series is having no value then it gives error (looking for that in detail)



Below code is working,

{ "chart": {"showlegend": "1", "bgColor": "FFFFFF", "showborder": "0", "borderColorXXX": "343434", "showlabels": "1", "showvalues": "1", "showsum": "1", "decimals": "0", "legendborderalpha": "0", "palette": "2" , "ed": "rules", "yaxisname": "(Number of Calls)"}, "categories": [{"category": [{"value": "1353196800000"}, {"value": "1353283200000"}, {"value": "1353369600000"}, {"value": "1353456000000"}, {"value": "1353542400000"}, {"value": "1353628800000"}, {"value": "1353715200000"}, {"value": "1353801600000"}, {"value": "1353888000000"}, {"value": "1353974400000"}, {"value": "1354060800000"}, {"value": "1354147200000"}, {"value": "1354233600000"}, {"value": "1354320000000"}, {"value": "1354406400000"}, {"value": "1354492800000"}, {"value": "1354579200000"}, {"value": "1354665600000"}, {"value": "1354752000000"}, {"value": "1354838400000"}, {"value": "1354924800000"}, {"value": "1355011200000"}, {"value": "1355097600000"}, {"value": "1355184000000"}, {"value": "1355270400000"}, {"value": "1355356800000"}, {"value": "1355443200000"}, {"value": "1355529600000"}, {"value": "1355616000000"}, {"value": "1355702400000"}, {"value": "1355788800000"}]}], "dataset": [{"seriesname": "Bad Calls", "color": "#FF0000", "showvalues": "0", "data": [{"value":"2"}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}]}, {"seriesname": "Good Calls", "color": "#00FF00", "showvalues": "0", "data": [{"value":"2"}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}]}] }



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Guest Sumedh

Wow, so this couldn't be more simple of an example, yet Fusioncharts barfs.


I'm doing a chart of type: StackedColumn2D


With data: { "chart": {"showlegend": "1", "bgColor": "FFFFFF", "showborder": "0", "borderColorXXX": "343434", "showlabels": "1", "showvalues": "1", "showsum": "1", "decimals": "0", "legendborderalpha": "0", "palette": "2" , "ed": "rules", "yaxisname": "(Number of Calls)"}, "categories": [{"category": [{"value": "1353196800000"}, {"value": "1353283200000"}, {"value": "1353369600000"}, {"value": "1353456000000"}, {"value": "1353542400000"}, {"value": "1353628800000"}, {"value": "1353715200000"}, {"value": "1353801600000"}, {"value": "1353888000000"}, {"value": "1353974400000"}, {"value": "1354060800000"}, {"value": "1354147200000"}, {"value": "1354233600000"}, {"value": "1354320000000"}, {"value": "1354406400000"}, {"value": "1354492800000"}, {"value": "1354579200000"}, {"value": "1354665600000"}, {"value": "1354752000000"}, {"value": "1354838400000"}, {"value": "1354924800000"}, {"value": "1355011200000"}, {"value": "1355097600000"}, {"value": "1355184000000"}, {"value": "1355270400000"}, {"value": "1355356800000"}, {"value": "1355443200000"}, {"value": "1355529600000"}, {"value": "1355616000000"}, {"value": "1355702400000"}, {"value": "1355788800000"}]}], "dataset": [{"seriesname": "Bad Calls", "color": "#FF0000", "showvalues": "0", "data": [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}]}, {"seriesname": "Good Calls", "color": "#00FF00", "showvalues": "0", "data": [{}, {}, {}, {"value": "2"}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {"value": "2"}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}]}] }


I get this error: TypeError:z is undefined on line 501 in FusionChartsHC.js


If I put "value": "1" into the empty {} then it works.


It seems to me this should be working, not that Fusioncharts has any current examples. Why XML would be listed as the default everywhere is stupid. Also, it seems like I could write the structure with "set" tags but from the link below it seems this should work








We are looking into this issue. And we will update you on the same.


As a temporary work-around, you can use "showSum" attribute as "0" under the chart element.


Ref. Code:

<chart ... showSum='0'>

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Great, thanks. Your data does work, but supplying a data value for the first entry in each series doesn't. It seems like it needs a couple or more data points per series.




We are looking into this issue. And we will update you on the same.


As a temporary work-around, you can use "showSum" attribute as "0" under the chart element.


Ref. Code:

<chart ... showSum='0'>

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Guest Sumedh



This has been identified as an issue with JavaScript chart already. And it has been fixed internally also.


The fix would be available in the next service release version.


However, we are unable to commit any time-line for this.


Thanks for your time and support.

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