jeffmace Report post Posted December 18, 2012 I am trying to hide value when users hover over the dot on my line chart. I have tried a bunch of versions of showValue=0, even saw a post for showSum needing to be added, but it is still showing the values when I hover over. <div id="[url=""]chartContainer[/url]">Monthly Listings Chart Will Load Here...</div> <script type="[url=""]text/javascript[/url]"><!-- var myChart = new FusionCharts( "/bpms/charts/MSCombiDY2D.swf", "myChartId","100%", "280", "0", "1" ); myChart.setDataXML( "<chart caption='Jeff Mack's Brickfolio Overview (2012)' showYAxisValues='0' showValues='0' showSum='0' setAdaptiveYMin='1' setAdaptiveSYMin='1' lineThickness='9' divLineColor='CCCCCC' divLineAlpha='100' numVDivlines='10' vDivLineisDashed='1' showAlternateVGridColor='1' anchorRadius='4' anchorBgColor='000000' numberPrefix='$' decimals='2'>" + "<categories>" + "<category name='Jan' />" + "<category name='Feb' />" + "<category name='Mar' />" + "<category name='Apr' />" + "<category name='May' />" + "<category name='Jun' />" + "<category name='Jul' />" + "<category name='Aug' />" + "<category name='Sep' />" + "<category name='Oct' />" + "<category name='Nov' />" + "<category name='Dec' />" + "</categories>" + "<dataset seriesName='Brickfolio Value' renderAs='Line' showValues='0'>" + "<set showValue='0' value='28283.3691406' />" + "<set showValue='0' value='28530.4394531' />" + "<set showValue='0' value='29059.6992188' />" + "<set showValue='0' value='29292.9609375' />" + "<set showValue='0' value='31216.9199219' />" + "<set showValue='0' value='31404.109375' />" + "<set showValue='0' value='31756.1191406' />" + "<set showValue='0' value='32035.7792969' />" + "<set showValue='0' value='31816.0292969' />" + "<set showValue='0' value='32044.5605469' />" + "<set showValue='0' value='32652.109375' />" + "</dataset>" + "</chart>" ); myChart.render("chartContainer"); // --> </script> <br clear="[url=""]all[/url]" /> <div class="[url=""]contenttitle2 nomargintop[/url]"> <h3>Total Value by Theme</h3> </div> <div id="[url=""]themeContainer[/url]">Chart will load here!</div> <script type="[url=""]text/javascript[/url]"><!-- var myChart = new FusionCharts( "/bpms/charts/Doughnut2D.swf", "myChartId12", "100%", "350", "0", "1" ); myChart.setDataXML( "<chart caption='Value by Theme' palette='1' animation='1' formatNumberScale='0' showValues='0' numberPrefix='$' pieSliceDepth='30' startingAngle='125' decimals='2'>" + "<set label='Star Wars' value='14616.39' isSliced='1' />" + "<set label='Town' value='2500.17' />" + "<set label='Large Scale Models' value='1448.72' />" + "<set label='Ninjago' value='1063.89' />" + "<set label='Trains' value='383.15' />" + "<set label='Collectable Minifigures' value='184.4' />" + "<set label='World City' value='178.13' />" + "<set label='Hero Factory' value='141.12' />" + "<set label='Cuusoo' value='99.65' />" + "<set label='Dino' value='86.49' />" + "</chart>" ); myChart.render("themeContainer"); // --> </script> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sumedh Report post Posted December 19, 2012 Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Try using "showToolTip" attribute as "0". Ref. Code: <chart ... showToolTip='0'> For more information, please refer the following links: http://docs.fusionch.../Combi2DDY.html Hope this helps! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites