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Trying To Hide Values When Hovering With Mscombidy2D.swf

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I am trying to hide value when users hover over the dot on my line chart. I have tried a bunch of versions of showValue=0, even saw a post for showSum needing to be added, but it is still showing the values when I hover over.


<div id="[url=""]chartContainer[/url]">Monthly Listings Chart Will Load Here...</div>          						<script type="[url=""]text/javascript[/url]"><!--                                                       var myChart = new FusionCharts( "/bpms/charts/MSCombiDY2D.swf",                           "myChartId","100%", "280", "0", "1" );                          myChart.setDataXML(		"<chart caption='Jeff Mack's Brickfolio Overview (2012)' showYAxisValues='0' showValues='0' showSum='0' setAdaptiveYMin='1' setAdaptiveSYMin='1' lineThickness='9' divLineColor='CCCCCC' divLineAlpha='100' numVDivlines='10' vDivLineisDashed='1' showAlternateVGridColor='1' anchorRadius='4' anchorBgColor='000000' numberPrefix='$' decimals='2'>" +		    "<categories>" +		    			        "<category name='Jan' />" +		        		        "<category name='Feb' />" +		        		        "<category name='Mar' />" +		        		        "<category name='Apr' />" +		        		        "<category name='May' />" +		        		        "<category name='Jun' />" +		        		        "<category name='Jul' />" +		        		        "<category name='Aug' />" +		        		        "<category name='Sep' />" +		        		        "<category name='Oct' />" +		        		        "<category name='Nov' />" +		        		        "<category name='Dec' />" +		        		    "</categories>" +		    "<dataset seriesName='Brickfolio Value' renderAs='Line' showValues='0'>" +		    			        "<set showValue='0' value='28283.3691406' />" +		        		        "<set showValue='0' value='28530.4394531' />" +		        		        "<set showValue='0' value='29059.6992188' />" +		        		        "<set showValue='0' value='29292.9609375' />" +		        		        "<set showValue='0' value='31216.9199219' />" +		        		        "<set showValue='0' value='31404.109375' />" +		        		        "<set showValue='0' value='31756.1191406' />" +		        		        "<set showValue='0' value='32035.7792969' />" +		        		        "<set showValue='0' value='31816.0292969' />" +		        		        "<set showValue='0' value='32044.5605469' />" +		        		        "<set showValue='0' value='32652.109375' />" +		        		    "</dataset>" +		"</chart>"	);                          myChart.render("chartContainer");                                                  // -->                             </script>                                                <br clear="[url=""]all[/url]" />                                                <div class="[url=""]contenttitle2 nomargintop[/url]">                            <h3>Total Value by Theme</h3>                        </div>                                                <div id="[url=""]themeContainer[/url]">Chart will load here!</div>          						<script type="[url=""]text/javascript[/url]"><!--                                                       var myChart = new FusionCharts( "/bpms/charts/Doughnut2D.swf",                           "myChartId12", "100%", "350", "0", "1" );                          myChart.setDataXML(		"<chart caption='Value by Theme' palette='1' animation='1' formatNumberScale='0' showValues='0' numberPrefix='$' pieSliceDepth='30' startingAngle='125' decimals='2'>" +					    "<set label='Star Wars' value='14616.39' isSliced='1' />" +				    		    "<set label='Town' value='2500.17'  />" +				    		    "<set label='Large Scale Models' value='1448.72'  />" +				    		    "<set label='Ninjago' value='1063.89'  />" +				    		    "<set label='Trains' value='383.15'  />" +				    		    "<set label='Collectable Minifigures' value='184.4'  />" +				    		    "<set label='World City' value='178.13'  />" +				    		    "<set label='Hero Factory' value='141.12'  />" +				    		    "<set label='Cuusoo' value='99.65'  />" +				    		    "<set label='Dino' value='86.49'  />" +				    					"</chart>"	);                          myChart.render("themeContainer");                                                  // -->                             </script>


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