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Guest Sumedh



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


Can you please elaborate a bit more on your issue?


Can you please send us the sample code? for testing purposes?

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This is my javascript junction to export the chart. The problem is there:



function ObjetoExportador(sourceCharts) {

//Posicionamos capa de Exportar

document.getElementById("DVExportar") = document.documentElement.scrollTop;


var arrayCharts = new Array();

var obj;

var myExportComponent;


for (var i in sourceCharts) {

obj = getChartFromId(sourceCharts);

if (obj != null && obj.hasRendered()) {






GraficaExportacionActual = 'fcBatchExporter';






var objfc = document.getElementById(GraficaExportacionActual);

if (objfc == null) {

myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject(GraficaExportacionActual, "chart/FCExporter.swf");

myExportComponent.sourceCharts = arrayCharts;

myExportComponent.componentAttributes.fullMode = '1';

myExportComponent.exportAttributes.exportAtClient = '1';

myExportComponent.componentAttributes.btnSaveAllTitle = 'Guardar todos'

myExportComponent.componentAttributes.saveAllTitle = 'Fichero único:';


myExportComponent.exportAttributes.btnSaveTitle = 'Guardar';

myExportComponent.componentAttributes.defaultExportFileName = 'Mis Graficos.pdf'

//myExportComponent.exportAttributes.defaultExportFileName = 'algo.pdf';

myExportComponent.componentAttributes.saveMode = 'both';

myExportComponent.componentAttributes.showAllowedTypes = '1';

myExportComponent.componentAttributes.width = '350';

myExportComponent.componentAttributes.height = '340';

myExportComponent.componentAttributes.showMessage = '1';

myExportComponent.componentAttributes.message = 'Graficos capturados.';

myExportComponent.componentAttributes.btnsavetitle = 'Guardar'

myExportComponent.componentAttributes.btndisabledtitle = 'Waiting for export 2222';

//myExportComponent.debugMode = true;




if ($("#DVExportar").is(':hidden')) {


//$('#DVExportar').slideToggle('2000', "easeInBack", function () { });


for (var i in sourceCharts) {

obj = getChartFromId(sourceCharts);

if (obj != null && obj.hasRendered()) {



//obj.exportChart({ exportFormat: 'png'});











Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


Can you please elaborate a bit more on your issue?


Can you please send us the sample code? for testing purposes?

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