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Line Chart Yaxisminvalue Issue

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I'm having an issue with yAxisMinValue . I want my chart to show yAxis values from 80% to 100%.


But it is showing always from 0% to 100% though i have mentioned yAxisMinValue=80% in the chart xml.


I'm using fusion charts 3.2.1 version.


Please help me to resove the issue as it is very urgent for me. Please find the attached screen shot for your reference.


Thanks in advance.



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I think I got the problem why its not changing the yAxisMinValue.


In the above chart i was using yAxisMinValue = 80 , but there are some values lower than 80%.


Now my problem is , though they are some values below than 80% , but my chart should be always display yAxisValues like 80 , 85,90,95,100%.


Please help me how to fix this issue.

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  On 1/16/2013 at 10:26 AM, Venkat1269 said:



I think I got the problem why its not changing the yAxisMinValue.


In the above chart i was using yAxisMinValue = 80 , but there are some values lower than 80%.


Now my problem is , though they are some values below than 80% , but my chart should be always display yAxisValues like 80 , 85,90,95,100%.


Please help me how to fix this issue.


Please note that FusionCharts automatically adjusts the Y-axis maximum and minimum value depending on the data values mentioned in the XML.


In case you have provided a minimum value explicitly in "yAXisMinValue" and there are values lower than the mentioned value, the chart would automatically adjust the Y-axis to fit in all the lower values mentioned in the XML. This cannot be handled externally as this is a native framework feature of FusionCharts.


Hence, it is not possible to achieve what you intend to do using FusionCharts, as of now.


Please feel free to get back to us in case you have any further queries.

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