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Chart Invisible After Relaod

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Hallo evrybody,


First forgive my poor english i'll try to do my best to describe the problem i have.


So. I have a page that has a dashboard with blocks that contains charts elements.

The problem is whenever i do a toogle or a drag&drop to a container the chart inside redraw and is invisible, the second time i do a drag&drop or toogle the chart redraw but is visible this this time and so on.

drag => redraw => invisible => drag => redraw => visible


I have no problem with redrawing, i have searched the forum and found out that is a browser matter but how can i make my charts always visible ?



I use jquery for toogle effects and drag&drop



Thanks for help

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When the container go hidden then is shown for the first time the chart try to render and we see the loading waiting message but the chart dann just disapear.

The problem does not apear if the container dipaly option is set to none than to block i think it's a matter of the visibility attribut of the container.


Any idea ?

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No idea from the fusionchart community ?


Apologies for the delay.


Could you please confirm if you are loading Flash Charts and this issue is occurring?


In case yes, please try rendering the charts in JavaScript version (non-Flash mode) and let us know if you are still facing the issue.


Awaiting your reply.

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