Luohui Report post Posted February 24, 2013 (edited) Read the attachment first window.onload = function () { var _today = new Date(); document.getElementById("I_REPDT").value = (_today.addDays(-2)).toString("yyyyMMdd"); var _I_REPDT = document.getElementById("I_REPDT").value; var _I_WAERS = document.getElementById("I_WAERS").value; var _I_PHQTY = "1000"; // var xmlhttp = Utility.XmlHttpRequest.getXmlHttp();"POST", "Item.aspx?r=" + Math.random() + "&I_REPDT=" + _I_REPDT + "&I_WAERS=" + _I_WAERS + "&I_PHQTY=" + _I_PHQTY, true); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { if (xmlhttp.status == 200) { xmldoc = xmlhttp.responseXML; // fillingChart(); // } } } xmlhttp.send(null); } function fillingChart() { chartDayDailyXml = getChartXml("日日发生额", "DAY"); chartGrandTotalXml = getChartXml("日别累计(当月)", "MON"); if (!FusionCharts("_li_01_content_day_daily_normal_chart_id")) { var chart_Day_Daily = new FusionCharts("Utility/FusionCharts/Charts/MSCombiDY2D1.swf", "_li_01_content_day_daily_normal_chart_id", chartWidth, chartHeight, "0", "1"); chart_Day_Daily.setXMLData(chartDayDailyXml); chart_Day_Daily.render("li_01_content_day_daily_normal_chart"); } else { //var chart_Day_Daily = FusionCharts("_li_01_content_day_daily_normal_chart_id"); //chart_Day_Daily.setXMLData(chartDayDailyXml);//为什么不自动重绘?? var chart_Day_Daily = FusionCharts("_li_01_content_day_daily_normal_chart_id"); chart_Day_Daily.dispose(); var chart_Day_Daily = new FusionCharts("Utility/FusionCharts/Charts/MSCombiDY2D1.swf", "_li_01_content_day_daily_normal_chart_id", chartWidth, chartHeight, "0", "1"); chart_Day_Daily.setXMLData(chartDayDailyXml); chart_Day_Daily.render("li_01_content_day_daily_normal_chart"); } // if (!FusionCharts("_li_01_content_day_grand_total_chart_id")) { var chart_Grand_Total = new FusionCharts("Utility/FusionCharts/Charts/MSCombiDY2D1.swf", "_li_01_content_day_grand_total_chart_id", chartWidth, chartHeight, "0", "1"); chart_Grand_Total.setXMLData(chartGrandTotalXml); chart_Grand_Total.render("li_01_content_day_grand_total_chart"); } else { //var chart_Grand_Total = FusionCharts("_li_01_content_day_grand_total_chart_id"); //chart_Grand_Total.setXMLData(chartGrandTotalXml); var chart_Grand_Total = FusionCharts("_li_01_content_day_grand_total_chart_id"); chart_Grand_Total.dispose(); var chart_Grand_Total = new FusionCharts("Utility/FusionCharts/Charts/MSCombiDY2D1.swf", "_li_01_content_day_grand_total_chart_id", chartWidth, chartHeight, "0", "1"); chart_Grand_Total.setXMLData(chartGrandTotalXml); chart_Grand_Total.render("li_01_content_day_grand_total_chart"); } } function getDataList() { var _dateList = []; var _date = document.getElementById("I_REPDT").value; var _regExp = new RegExp("^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{1,2})([0-9]{1,2})$"); var _date_temp = _regExp.exec(_date); if (_date_temp != null) { var _i_year = parseFloat(_date_temp[1]); // 年 var _i_month = parseFloat(_date_temp[2]); // 月 var _i_day = parseFloat(_date_temp[3]); // 日 var _today = new Date(_i_year+"/"+_i_month+"/"+_i_day) _dateList[0] = _today.getMonth()+1 + "." + _today.toString("dd"); _dateList[1] = _today.addDays(-1).getMonth() + 1 + "." + _today.toString("dd"); _dateList[2] = _today.addDays(-1).getMonth() + 1 + "." + _today.toString("dd"); _dateList[3] = _today.addDays(-1).getMonth() + 1 + "." + _today.toString("dd"); _dateList[4] = _today.addDays(-1).getMonth() + 1 + "." + _today.toString("dd"); _dateList[5] = _today.addDays(-1).getMonth() + 1 + "." + _today.toString("dd"); _dateList[6] = _today.addDays(-1).getMonth() + 1 + "." + _today.toString("dd"); } else { var _today = new Date(); document.getElementById("I_REPDT").value = (_today.addDays(-2)).toString("yyyyMMdd"); _today = new Date(); _dateList[0] = _today.getMonth() + 1 + "." + _today.toString("dd"); _dateList[1] = _today.addDays(-1).getMonth() + 1 + "." + _today.toString("dd"); _dateList[2] = _today.addDays(-1).getMonth() + 1 + "." + _today.toString("dd"); _dateList[3] = _today.addDays(-1).getMonth() + 1 + "." + _today.toString("dd"); _dateList[4] = _today.addDays(-1).getMonth() + 1 + "." + _today.toString("dd"); _dateList[5] = _today.addDays(-1).getMonth() + 1 + "." + _today.toString("dd"); _dateList[6] = _today.addDays(-1).getMonth() + 1 + "." + _today.toString("dd"); } return _dateList; } function getChartXml(caption,zztyp) { var _today = new Date(); var _dateList = getDataList(); var CLSDT = window.clsdt; var _xmlStr = ""; _xmlStr += "<chart caption=\"" + caption + "\" showValues=\"0\" sNumberSuffix=\"%\" baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize ='34' baseFontColor=\"464547\" decimals=\"1\" setAdaptiveYMin=\"1\" setAdaptiveSYMin=\"1\" lineThickness=\"1\" stack100percent=\"0\" canvasbgangle=\"0\" canvasborderthickness=\"2\" chartleftmargin=\"15\" chartrightmargin=\"5\" basefontsize=\"10\" outcnvbasefontsize=\"11\" bgcolor=\"E2E8F0\" showcumulativeline=\"1\" linecolor=\"D3AF1D\" showplotborder=\"1\" plotgradientcolor=\"\" plotbordercolor=\"F5BA00\" showcanvasbg=\"1\" showcanvasbase=\"1\" canvasbgcolor=\"ffffff\" canvasbgalpha=\"90\" canvasbasecolor=\"D3DBCA\" showalternatehgridcolor=\"0\" showborder=\"0\" canvasborderalpha=\"20\" divlinealpha=\"15\" showshadow=\"1\" plotfillangle=\"100\" plotfillratio=\"\" plotborderdashed=\"0\" plotborderdashlen=\"1\" anchorradius=\"3\" anchorbgcolor=\"FFFFFF\" anchorborderthickness=\"3\" linethickness=\"2\" canvasBorderThickness=\"1\" canvasBorderColor=\"74787C\" numDivLines=\"2\" showFCMenuItem=\"0\" chartTopMargin=\"10\" chartBottomMargin=\"0\" captionPadding=\"10\" labelPadding=\"0\" PYAxisMinValue=\"0\" PYAxisMaxValue=\"50\" SYAxisMinValue=\"0\" SYAxisMaxValue=\"40\">"; 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_xmlStr += " <set value=\"" + (parseFloat(parseFloat(node.getAttribute("PER07")).toFixed(1)) > 40 ? 40 : parseFloat(node.getAttribute("PER07")).toFixed(1)) + "\" hoverText=\"" + parseFloat(node.getAttribute("PER07")).toFixed(1) + "%\"/>"; } else { _xmlStr += " <set value=\"0\" hoverText=\"0.0%\"/>"; _xmlStr += " <set value=\"0\" hoverText=\"0.0%\"/>"; _xmlStr += " <set value=\"0\" hoverText=\"0.0%\"/>"; _xmlStr += " <set value=\"0\" hoverText=\"0.0%\"/>"; _xmlStr += " <set value=\"0\" hoverText=\"0.0%\"/>"; _xmlStr += " <set value=\"0\" hoverText=\"0.0%\"/>"; _xmlStr += " <set value=\"0\" hoverText=\"0.0%\"/>"; } _xmlStr += " </dataset>"; _xmlStr += " <styles>"; _xmlStr += " <definition>"; _xmlStr += " <style name=\"MyXScaleAnim\" type=\"ANIMATION\" duration=\"1\" start=\"0\" />"; //param=\"_xscale\" _xmlStr += " <style name=\"MyYScaleAnim\" type=\"ANIMATION\" duration=\"1\" start=\"0\"/>"; // param=\"_yscale\" _xmlStr += " </definition>"; _xmlStr += " <application>"; _xmlStr += " <apply toObject=\"Canvas\" styles=\"MyXScaleAnim,MyYScaleAnim\" />"; _xmlStr += " </application>"; _xmlStr += " </styles>"; _xmlStr += "</chart>"; return _xmlStr; } Edited February 24, 2013 by Luohui Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sumedh Report post Posted February 25, 2013 Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! It seems, you are trying to render Flash charts. Can you please send us the debug information? To enable the debug mode, refer the following link: http://docs.fusionch...bug/Window.html Awaiting your response. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luohui Report post Posted March 2, 2013 Hi, Thanks, Info: Chart loaded and initialized. Initial Width: 690 Initial Height: 225 Scale Mode: noScale Debug Mode: Yes Application Message Language: EN Version: 3.0.4 Chart Type: Multi Series 2D Dual Y Combination Chart Chart Objects: BACKGROUND CANVAS CAPTION SUBCAPTION YAXISNAME XAXISNAME DIVLINES YAXISVALUES HGRID DATALABELS DATAVALUES TRENDLINES TRENDVALUES DATAPLOTCOLUMN DATAPLOTLINE DATAPLOTAREA ANCHORS TOOLTIP VLINES LEGEND INFO: Chart registered with external script. DOM Id of chart is day_grand_chart_id INFO: XML Data provided using dataXML method. XML Data: <chart caption="日别累计(当月)" showLegend="0" legendPosition="RIGHT" showValues="0" sNumberSuffix="%" decimals="1" setAdaptiveYMin="1" setAdaptiveSYMin="1" lineThickness="1" stack100percent="0" canvasbgangle="0" canvasborderthickness="2" chartleftmargin="15" chartrightmargin="5" outcnvbasefontsize="11" bgcolor="E2E8F0" showcumulativeline="1" linecolor="D3AF1D" showplotborder="1" plotgradientcolor="" plotbordercolor="F5BA00" showcanvasbg="1" showcanvasbase="1" canvasbgcolor="ffffff" canvasbgalpha="90" canvasbasecolor="D3DBCA" showalternatehgridcolor="0" showborder="0" canvasborderalpha="20" divlinealpha="15" showshadow="1" plotfillangle="100" plotfillratio="" plotborderdashed="0" plotborderdashlen="1" anchorradius="3" anchorbgcolor="FFFFFF" anchorborderthickness="3" linethickness="2" canvasBorderThickness="1" canvasBorderColor="74787C" showFCMenuItem="0" chartTopMargin="10" chartBottomMargin="10" chartLeftMargin="10" chartRightMargin="10" captionPadding="10" labelPadding="0" adjustDiv="0" numDivLines="3" PYAxisMinValue="0" PYAxisMaxValue="100" SYAxisMinValue="0" SYAxisMaxValue="40"> <categories> <category label="2.20(火)" /> <category label="2.21(木)" /> <category label="2.22(金)" /> <category label="2.23(土)" /> <category label="2.24(日)" /> <category label="2.25(月)" /> <category label="2.26(水)" /> </categories> <dataset seriesname="金额" color="F5BA00"> <set value="4361" hoverText="4361" /> <set value="4598" hoverText="4598" /> <set value="4859" hoverText="4859" /> <set value="5055" hoverText="5055" /> <set value="5244" hoverText="5244" /> <set value="5471" hoverText="5471" /> <set value="5769" hoverText="5769" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesname="挑战" parentYAxis="S" lineThickness="2" color="5AC724" anchorSides="3" anchorRadius="7" anchorBorderThickness="1" anchorBorderColor="5AC724" anchorBgColor="5AC724"> <set value="21.0" hoverText="21.0%" /> <set value="21.0" hoverText="21.0%" /> <set value="21.0" hoverText="21.0%" /> <set value="21.0" hoverText="21.0%" /> <set value="21.0" hoverText="21.0%" /> <set value="21.0" hoverText="21.0%" /> <set value="21.0" hoverText="21.0%" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesname="实绩" parentYAxis="S" lineThickness="2" color="733AE0" anchorSides="8" anchorRadius="5" anchorBorderThickness="1" anchorBorderColor="733AE0" anchorBgColor="733AE0"> <set value="25.0" hoverText="25.0%" /> <set value="25.0" hoverText="25.0%" /> <set value="25.3" hoverText="25.3%" /> <set value="24.4" hoverText="24.4%" /> <set value="23.9" hoverText="23.9%" /> <set value="23.4" hoverText="23.4%" /> <set value="23.8" hoverText="23.8%" /> </dataset> <styles> <definition> <style name="CanvasXScaleAnim" type="ANIMATION" duration="1" start="0" /> <style name="CanvasYScaleAnim" type="ANIMATION" duration="1" start="0" /> <style name="CaptionStyle" type="font" font="Verdana" size="14" color="464547" bold="1" bgColor="F1F4F8" borderColor="D7DBDF" leftMargin="5" rightMargin="5" letterSpacing="2" /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject="Caption" styles="CaptionStyle" /> <apply toObject="Canvas" styles="CanvasXScaleAnim,CanvasYScaleAnim" /> </application> </styles></chart> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swarnam Report post Posted March 4, 2013 Hi, To make use of any multi-lingual characters on the chart, you necessarily need to use UTF-8 encoded XML/JSON. More importantly, the XML/JSON file or stream requires UTF-8 BOM stamp to be present as the very first 3 Bytes of the file. Most of the text editors like Notepad can do this automatically. To know more on how to BOM mark a file, please refer to: note the two basic thumb rules: For Data URL method - the XML/JSON should be having the BOM stamp For Data String method - the HTML/application file containing the XML/JSON should have the BOM stamp. Hope this helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites