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Dataset Color Gradient

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I'm using a MSCombiDY2D chart with one dataset as column, the other as line. I'd like the column to have a color gradient from left to right. I have the following chart xml but the gradient does not work; its one solid color.




<chart caption="test" showBorder="0" showPlotBorder="0" canvasBorderAlpha="0" showLegend="1" syncAxisLimits="1" captionPadding="20" plotGradientColor="" PYAxisName="A"  SYAxisName="B" canvasbgColor="ffffff" bgColor="ffffff">
       <category label="E23"/>
       <category label="E42"/>
   <dataset seriesName="A" ParentYAxis="P" renderAs="Column" color="5C993D, B8FF70">
       <set value="180.740"/>
       <set value="280.740"/>
   <dataset seriesName="B" ParentYAxis="S" renderAs="Line" showValues="0" color="FACD4A" lineThickness="2">
       <set value="40.740"/>
       <set value="60.740"/>
           <style name="myFont" type="font" color="000000"/>
           <apply toObject="DataLabels" styles="myFont"/>
           <apply toObject="DataValues" styles="myFont"/>
           <apply toObject="xAxisName" styles="myFont"/>
           <apply toObject="yAxisName" styles="myFont"/>
           <apply toObject="caption" styles="myFont"/>

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Guest Sashibhusan



Could you please try once by setting "plotFillAngle" to "0", in the <chart> element of your XML data?


Please find the screen shot of the same, for your reference.


Hope this helps!


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  On 3/5/2013 at 10:02 AM, Sashibhusan said:

Could you please try once by setting "plotFillAngle" to "0", in the <chart> element of your XML data?


Adding that attribute adds a gradient, however I cannot seem to change the gradient color for some reason. See the attached. I've set the gradient to red, but it still goes to white. Is there some other property I should add/remove/adjust?




<chart caption="test" showBorder="0" showPlotBorder="0" canvasBorderAlpha="0" showLegend="1" syncAxisLimits="1" plotFillAngle="0"
  	captionPadding="20" PYAxisName="A"  SYAxisName="B" canvasbgColor="ffffff" bgColor="ffffff">
       <category label="E23"/>
       <category label="E42"/>
   <dataset seriesName="A" ParentYAxis="P" renderAs="Column" color="5C993D, ff0000">
       <set value="180.740"/>
       <set value="280.740"/>
   <dataset seriesName="B" ParentYAxis="S" renderAs="Line" showValues="0" color="FACD4A" lineThickness="2">
       <set value="40.740"/>
       <set value="60.740"/>
           <style name="myFont" type="font" color="000000"/>
           <apply toObject="DataLabels" styles="myFont"/>
           <apply toObject="DataValues" styles="myFont"/>
           <apply toObject="xAxisName" styles="myFont"/>
           <apply toObject="yAxisName" styles="myFont"/>
           <apply toObject="caption" styles="myFont"/>


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Guest Sashibhusan



I am afraid, we are getting the chart with changed gradient color using latest FusionCharts XT V3.3.0 files.


Please find the attached screen shot of the same, for your reference.


If, you are using older version of FusionCharts XT, could you please upgrade to latest version and try once again?


For more information on "2D Dual Y Combination Chart Specification Sheet ", please follow the link below:


Hope this helps!


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