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No Data To Display With Public Dns Name

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We use FusionChart XT in our project, it works fine in our dev site. We recently moved it to different domain it has both local and public DNS names. Chart loads fine via local DNS URL but when I access through public DNS it says "No data to display". Both my chart page (index.php) and dynamic XML page (chartXml.php) on the same directory. If I hit https://ourpublicDNS/app/chartXml.php I see the correct XML. And I don't see any javascript error either (yes render with Javascript by default, no flash). Only difference with local DNS and public DNS is, I access local DNS with Http and public one directly goes to Https. I don't know is there any issue related to configuration on the server, which stopping FusionChart to get the data though rest of the page works fine.


Please help to identify the problem. (I also checked javascript console and not see any issue related to cross-domain errors.)


When I access my XML page I see correct XML (shown below)


<chart outCnvBaseFon="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;" outCnvBaseFontColor="aaa" outCnvBaseFontSize="11" baseFont="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;" baseFontSize="11"baseFontColor="aaa" legendBorderColor="aaa" legendBorderThickness="1" legendShadow="0" palette="2" defaultAnimation="2" animation="1" formatNumberScale="0" legendAllowDrag="0"interactiveLegend="1" showPercentInToolTip="0" pieSliceDepth="30" showValues="0" showLabels="0" showLegend="1"><set label="New Requests-2369" value="2369" toolText="New Requests, 2369" link="newchart-xmlurl-chartData.php?client_id=1&modifiedFrom=&modifiedTo=&status=NEEDED"color="#fe4819"/><set label="Pending Requests-8" value="8" toolText="Pending Requests, 8" link="newchart-xmlurl-chartData.php?client_id=1&modifiedFrom=&modifiedTo=&status=SUBMITTED"color="#00486c"/><set label="Closed Requests-42731" value="42731" toolText="Closed Requests, 42731 (from: to till date)" link="newchart-xmlurl-chartData.php?client_id=1&modifiedFrom=&modifiedTo=&status=APPROVED" color="#31bade"/></chart>



And this how I call FusionChart in my code,



<div id="chartContainer" class="pieChart" style = "margin-top: 0px;">Chart will load here!</div>

<script type="text/javascript"><!--


var myChart = new FusionCharts( "_swfs/Pie3D.swf",

"myChartId", "445", "250", "0" );





FusionCharts("myChartId").configureLink (


swfUrl : "_swfs/Column3D.swf",



message: 'Back',

fontColor : 'fe4819',


borderColor: 'FFFFFF'


}, 0 );


// -->



Also checked your troubleshoot documentation and I think my problem is not related to any of the below points.


"No data to display" messageIf your chart shows a "No data to display" message, it could be the following scenarios:


  • Your XML data doesn't contain any data that could be plotted by FusionCharts XT. In this case, your XML just contains the <chart> or <dataset> tags without any data between them.
  • You might be using a single-series chart SWF and providing data in multi-series format or vice-versa. In this case too, you'll get a "No data to display" message.
  • In some Dual Y Combination charts, you need to provide at least one dataset for both the axis. Otherwise, you'll get a "No data to display" message.



Please help me to debug the issue. Thanks in Advance.


- Murugan

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  On 3/15/2013 at 10:44 PM, gpm said:



We use FusionChart XT in our project, it works fine in our dev site. We recently moved it to different domain it has both local and public DNS names. Chart loads fine via local DNS URL but when I access through public DNS it says "No data to display". Both my chart page (index.php) and dynamic XML page (chartXml.php) on the same directory. If I hit https://ourpublicDNS/app/chartXml.php I see the correct XML. And I don't see any javascript error either (yes render with Javascript by default, no flash). Only difference with local DNS and public DNS is, I access local DNS with Http and public one directly goes to Https. I don't know is there any issue related to configuration on the server, which stopping FusionChart to get the data though rest of the page works fine.


Please help to identify the problem. (I also checked javascript console and not see any issue related to cross-domain errors.)


When I access my XML page I see correct XML (shown below)


<chart outCnvBaseFon="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;" outCnvBaseFontColor="aaa" outCnvBaseFontSize="11" baseFont="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;" baseFontSize="11"baseFontColor="aaa" legendBorderColor="aaa" legendBorderThickness="1" legendShadow="0" palette="2" defaultAnimation="2" animation="1" formatNumberScale="0" legendAllowDrag="0"interactiveLegend="1" showPercentInToolTip="0" pieSliceDepth="30" showValues="0" showLabels="0" showLegend="1"><set label="New Requests-2369" value="2369" toolText="New Requests, 2369" link="newchart-xmlurl-chartData.php?client_id=1&modifiedFrom=&modifiedTo=&status=NEEDED"color="#fe4819"/><set label="Pending Requests-8" value="8" toolText="Pending Requests, 8" link="newchart-xmlurl-chartData.php?client_id=1&modifiedFrom=&modifiedTo=&status=SUBMITTED"color="#00486c"/><set label="Closed Requests-42731" value="42731" toolText="Closed Requests, 42731 (from: to till date)" link="newchart-xmlurl-chartData.php?client_id=1&modifiedFrom=&modifiedTo=&status=APPROVED" color="#31bade"/></chart>



And this how I call FusionChart in my code,



<div id="chartContainer" class="pieChart" style = "margin-top: 0px;">Chart will load here!</div>

<script type="text/javascript"><!--


var myChart = new FusionCharts( "_swfs/Pie3D.swf",

"myChartId", "445", "250", "0" );





FusionCharts("myChartId").configureLink (


swfUrl : "_swfs/Column3D.swf",



message: 'Back',

fontColor : 'fe4819',


borderColor: 'FFFFFF'


}, 0 );


// -->



Also checked your troubleshoot documentation and I think my problem is not related to any of the below points.


"No data to display" messageIf your chart shows a "No data to display" message, it could be the following scenarios:


  • Your XML data doesn't contain any data that could be plotted by FusionCharts XT. In this case, your XML just contains the <chart> or <dataset> tags without any data between them.
  • You might be using a single-series chart SWF and providing data in multi-series format or vice-versa. In this case too, you'll get a "No data to display" message.
  • In some Dual Y Combination charts, you need to provide at least one dataset for both the axis. Otherwise, you'll get a "No data to display" message.



Please help me to debug the issue. Thanks in Advance.


- Murugan


Could you please send us the scaled-down sample at "" so that we might test it?


Awaiting your reply.

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