
Display Details Of Chart

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I am using fusionchart with flex and would like to know if there is any option to find the max/min/average value in the chart displayed. 

I want to display this info just like legends displayed. Is this option available in fusion charts?

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I am using fusionchart with flex and would like to know if there is any option to find the max/min/average value in the chart displayed. 

I want to display this info just like legends displayed. Is this option available in fusion charts?



Please note that this is natively not possible with FusionCharts, as FusionCharts is purely a data visulaization component.


However, you can always code at your end to implement some data grid that would display the minimum, maximum and avergae value at any point of time on the chart. This needs to be done at your end as per your requirement.


Hope this clarifies the query.

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