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Exporttargetwindow To Target Iframe

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Also, when I change the exportHandler script the export does not do anything.




if( objZipChart.hasRendered() ){
{'exportHandler': 'chartExport.cfm?chart=zip&type=All' } ); 


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Guest Sashibhusan



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum.


Please find the response to your queries inline, below:


I'm using exportTargetWindow to target an iframe and it's not working.  Is this not supported?

>>Please note that "exportTargetWindow" attribute will help you to configure, whether the return image/PDF will open in same window (as an attachment for download) or it will open in new window, if you are exporting the chart at server-side and using download as action.


The values to this attribute will be either "_self" or "_blank". So you can not target an iFrame using this attribute.


Also, when I change the exportHandler script the export does not do anything.

>>If you are trying to export the chart image/PDF in server-side, you would need to use the "Server-side Export Handler" provided by FusionCharts, depending on which scripting technology you are using.


Please note that currently we provide the Export Handlers in PHP, ASP.NET, J2EE and Ruby on Rails.


For more information on "Server-Side Exporting > Saving exported output on server disk", please follow the link below:


Hope this helps!

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I have my own export handler for ColdFusion, which works fine.  When I change the exportHandler attribute the JS processing just stops with no error.

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Guest Sashibhusan



Could you please provide the scaled down sample to better look into the issue?


You may send the sample along with the issue details to <[email protected]>, and one of our Support Team member will address you soon.


Hope this helps!

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I found a work around for the script stopping.  I have 3 charts on a page I am saving as seperate images, which works fine.  I just want to target a hidden iframe so I don't get the windows popping up.  It would be a nice feature to be able to target a specfic element.

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Guest Sashibhusan



We are glad that you have managed of your won to find the work around for your issue.

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