
Drill Through On Fields That Are Not In Data Series?

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I am having trouble limiting my drill through query for a single series pie chart.  I have an ASP page which displays 6 charts.  I am using classic ASP along with Fusion Charts ASP Class to display a pie chart and drill through on the data.  I have filters at the top of my page which filter the results of all 6 charts. 


I want to display one of the fields from the filters in the chart but allow the chart to drill through to additional data using all of the filters.  Is there a way to drill through on multiple parameters without specifying them in the select statement?


Select Statement for chart:

select BV, ROUND(SUM(AMT)) amt


WHERE YEAR = 2013 and SITE = 'CIC'

group by BV


Drill Through and Chart display:

Call FC6.addDataFromDatabase(oRs6, "amt ", "BV","","N-Drilldown/Request.asp?period=##PERIOD_NAME##&segment=##SEGMENT##&site=##SITE##&BV=##BV##&BSV=##BSV##&Market=##STRAT_MKT##&Family=##STRAT_FAM##")

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Guest Sumedh


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!


While using FusinCharts ASP class functions, you can pass only limited parameters with functions.


Passing extra parameters with these FusionCharts ASP Class functions is not possible.


You can use simple Classic ASP (without using FusionChart ASP Class) to render charts using database. Since, you can generated XML or iterate data through database as per your requirement.


For more information, please refer the following link:



Hope this help!

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