
PowerMaps v3.0.3 Released

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We're proud to release PowerMaps v3.0.3 with the following changes:

  • New: Added following new flash maps, taking the total count to 181 maps.

    • World (8 Regions), Middle East, Central America
    • USA Regional Maps: USA (All regions), Central Region, South East Region, North East Region, South West Region, North West Region
    • Europe Regional Maps: All regions, North European Region, South European Region, East European Region, West European Region, Central European Region
    • UK: Wales, England (Regions), North Ireland, Scotland (Regions)
    • Europe: Norway (Regions)
    • Asia: China, North Korea, South Korea, Bangladesh
    • Africa: Mozambique
    • Middle East: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq
    • Dominica, Bahamas
  • New: Added option for Markers. Markers allows you to pin-point custom locations on the map using your own icons.
  • New: Visual GUI to help you configure map properties and define markers. Try the GUI live at
  • Improvement: Better printing support using the Context Menu "Print Map" option.
  • Bug Fix: Minor bug fixes in the following maps: Canada, USA, Turkey, Alaska, Colorado, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Nevada, England, Poland, Scotland, Spain (Provinces), Georgia (Asia), Indonesia, Taiwan, Chile, Colombia, Ontario

Licensed users can download the free upgrade from > My Orders > Re-download.

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