
Changing Chart Type In Real Time

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        I have a doubt in the chart customization. In real time use case, How can i change the chart properties like chart type,  title, tooltip ,...etc. Is there any API or method for changing customization property dynamically... If yes, can you share the details of the api methods.




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  On 6/4/2013 at 7:33 AM, prabhu.jeevan said:


        I have a doubt in the chart customization. In real time use case, How can i change the chart properties like chart type,  title, tooltip ,...etc. Is there any API or method for changing customization property dynamically... If yes, can you share the details of the api methods.






Please note that FusionCharts JavaScript class allows you to change various settings and properties of an existing chart. You can dynamically update chart's root properties (also known as "chart attributes" which are passed through <chart> element in chart XML data or through chart property in chart's JSON data.


You need to use "setChartAttribute()" function to set a chart attribute. All you need to do is pass the name of the attribute and its new value to this function. This function is available in all the instances of FusionCharts JavaScript class.



But in case you inetnd to change any data or any attribute, value not in the <chart> element, you would need to update the existing chart with a completely new data.



Hope this helps. :)

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