
Draw a vertical line when user clicks the line chart

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I'm using fusion charts.


I should draw a vertical line when i click on the chart.


I have seen the funtions for legendClicked, markerClicked etc..


But is there any funciton to respond when the user click on the chart?




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Guest Sashibhusan

Hi Deeba,


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum.


As per your requirement, you may call a custom JavaScript function on click of the chart and in that function, update the entire chart XML/JSON data with a vertical line.


To call the JavaScript function on click of chart, you would need to provide the link in the "clickURL" attribute.


For more information on "Using JavaScript Fusions as links", please follow the link below:


Also, for more information on "Providing and updating chart data", please visit the link:


Hope this helps!

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