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TrendLine for Gantt chart

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I'm able to add the trend line to my Gantt chart for the first time

<categories fontSize='14'>

<category start='7/15/2007 05:00:00' end='7/16/2007 06:59:59' label='Mods Date: 7/15/2007' />  



<categories align='left'>

<category start='7/15/2007 05:00:00' end='7/15/2007 05:59:59' label='05' />

<category start='7/15/2007 06:00:00' end='7/15/2007 06:59:59' label='06' />

<category start='7/15/2007 07:00:00' end='7/15/2007 06:59:59' label='07' />

<category start='7/15/2007 08:00:00' end='7/15/2007 06:59:59' label='08' />

<category start='7/15/2007 09:00:00' end='7/15/2007 06:59:59' label='09' />

<category start='7/15/2007 10:00:00' end='7/15/2007 06:59:59' label='10' />

<category start='7/15/2007 11:00:00' end='7/15/2007 06:59:59' label='11' />

<category start='7/15/2007 12:00:00' end='7/15/2007 06:59:59' label='12' />

<category start='7/15/2007 13:00:00' end='7/15/2007 06:59:59' label='13' />

<category start='7/15/2007 14:00:00' end='7/15/2007 06:59:59' label='14' />

<category start='7/15/2007 15:00:00' end='7/15/2007 06:59:59' label='15' />

<category start='7/15/2007 16:00:00' end='7/15/2007 06:59:59' label='16' />

<category start='7/15/2007 17:00:00' end='7/15/2007 17:59:59' label='17' />

<category start='7/15/2007 18:00:00' end='7/15/2007 18:59:59' label='18' />

<category start='7/15/2007 19:00:00' end='7/15/2007 19:59:59' label='19' />

<category start='7/15/2007 20:00:00' end='7/15/2007 20:59:59' label='20' />

<category start='7/15/2007 21:00:00' end='7/15/2007 21:59:59' label='21' />

<category start='7/15/2007 22:00:00' end='7/15/2007 22:59:59' label='22' />

<category start='7/15/2007 23:00:00' end='7/15/2007 23:59:59' label='23' />

<category start='7/16/2007 00:00:00' end='7/16/2007 00:59:59' label='00' />

<category start='7/16/2007 01:00:00' end='7/16/2007 01:59:59' label='01' />

<category start='7/16/2007 02:00:00' end='7/16/2007 02:59:59' label='02' />

<category start='7/16/2007 03:00:00' end='7/16/2007 03:59:59' label='03' />

<category start='7/16/2007 04:00:00' end='7/16/2007 04:59:59' label='04' />

<category start='7/16/2007 05:00:00' end='7/16/2007 05:59:59' label='05' />

<category start='7/16/2007 06:00:00' end='7/16/2007 06:59:59' label='06' />




<line start='7/15/2007 06:00:00' displayValue='Cut-off' color='333333' thickness='1'  />


the trend line starts at beginning of the column 06 - it works great.

since we have different cut-off time for each site, the categories and trend lines will be generated dynamically. However, if I change the start date time to '7/15/2007 08:00:00' , the trend line somehow starts in the middle of the second column (after 08). The new xml data is as follows:

<categories fontSize='14'>

<category start='7/15/2007 07:00:00' end='7/16/2007 08:59:59' label='Mods Date: 7/15/2007' />  



<categories align='left'>

<category start='7/15/2007 07:00:00' end='7/15/2007 07:59:59' label='05' />




   <line start='7/15/2007 08:00:00' displayValue='Cut-off' color='333333' thickness='1'  />



How do I correct this problem?

Thanks alot.

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I'm afraid, while creating the XML for trend-line, you'll have to make this adjustment in your XML itself.

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