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Single Series 2DColumn chart vs Multi Series 2D Column Chart - x axis label font

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I have a question, I have got few Multi series 2D column chart and 1 single series column chart.


I have labels in x-axis in both the charts- I want to reduce the label font in both places- I can do in multi series 2d column, but cannot in single series 2d Column.


Here is my code for multi series column





"<chart caption='"+chartNameToDisplay1+"' xAxisName='"+xAxisValue+"' yAxisName='Transaction Count'  showsum='0' " + 
" showValues='0' showBorder='1' plotSpacePercent='10' plotFillAlpha='80' bgColor='FFFFFF'><categories fontSize='8'>";
here fontSize='8  works for me
How can I achieve same success in single series 2d column
Plz refer to the image - look at Purchase/Redempt become 2 lines in label for single series 2d column.




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Can you try using Styles to apply specific font size for Data labels? "Styles" can be applied in both Multi Series/ Single series chart types.


Ref. Code:

<!-- Your data here -->
        <style name='MyFirstFontStyle' type='font' font='Verdana' size='8'  />
        <apply toObject='Datalabels' styles='MyFirstFontStyle' />

For more information, please refer to the following link:


Hope this helps.

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