Elger van Boxtel

Gantt Chart: align (sub)caption with styles

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I'm trying to align the caption & subcaption on a Gantt chart. I understood that I have to use styles for that.


After reading the documentation on http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/?Styles/HowToUse.html I've come up with the following:



In my JSON I have:

"chart": {

        "caption": "Project Gantt",
        "subcaption":"From 1st Feb 2007 - 31st Aug 2007",


            "name": "alignLeftStyle",
            "type": "font",
            "align": "left"
            "toObject": "Caption",
            "styles": "alignLeftStyle"


but alignment is still default set to center...


Has anybody ran into this as well?



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I'm trying to align the caption & subcaption on a Gantt chart. I understood that I have to use styles for that.


After reading the documentation on http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/?Styles/HowToUse.html I've come up with the following:



In my JSON I have:

"chart": {

        "caption": "Project Gantt",

        "subcaption":"From 1st Feb 2007 - 31st Aug 2007",




            "name": "alignLeftStyle",

            "type": "font",

            "align": "left"



            "toObject": "Caption",

            "styles": "alignLeftStyle"




but alignment is still default set to center...


Has anybody ran into this as well?





Please note that it is already mentioned in our Online Documentation that controlling alignment of caption and sub-caption is not supported in JavaScript charts.

Ref.- http://docs.fusioncharts.com/widgets/Contents/?Styles/Font.html


Hence, you might be rendering the JavaScript Gantt chart which would not change the alignment.


Hope this helps.

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Guest Sumedh

Hi Elgervb,


We will add this feature request to our feature wishlist.


We will try to implement this feature, if it is feasible.


Thanks for your time and support.

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Guest Sumedh

Hi Elgervb,


Feature wishlists are internal and we can't make it public.


If the feature is feasible, then we will update you for sure.  :)

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